Chapter 1923 White Fox (58)


The bride ignored it.

Covered with a red hijab, sitting quietly.

The little chubby snake got closer, "Beautiful sister, you can't do this."

"Yan Yu is so bad, how can you listen to him?"

"Anyway, at least, you have to find a way to try it, right?"


The beautiful and charming bride still ignores it.

An Jing touched the silver bracelet on her wrist and covered it.

It seems to cherish and like it very much.

The little fat snake looked even more unconvinced.

"Sister, look at you, you were really deceived by that bad snake Yan Yu, he just has evil intentions towards you."


The chubby snake rolled its round eyes.

Turning around, as if thinking of a bad idea.

"Sister, if you don't believe me, think about it, did that big bad snake in Yan Yu force you to sleep on the ice bed and let you sleep in the snake's den with him?"


"Sister, do you want to know why he forced you to sleep in the snake's den?"

"I guess you don't know."

Little Fat Snake swears by it.

"This secret is only known by our snake clan, and it is very powerful, so it is not easy to spread it to the outside world."


"Sister, if you want to know, let me tell you."

The little chubby snake got closer.

Before he finished speaking, the gate of the palace was opened.

The red lantern at the door swayed gently, and warm wind blew in through the door.

However, what the warm wind brings is not warmth.

It was the eerie and cold aura that rushed over.

Almost instantly, the temperature in the entire palace dropped by at least ten degrees.

From warm spring to cold winter, in an instant, there is nothing like this.

Hard ice began to spread in the palace, spreading crazily.

Cover wherever you go.

Even the breathable screen paper was instantly frozen.

Above, covered with a thick layer of ice.

The bone-piercing coldness is so extreme that it can become a sharp weapon for killing people.

The voice of the little fat snake stopped abruptly.

Realizing that someone was coming, it immediately hid in a corner.

With a plump figure, he can be so flexible when he gets up.

The fox girl with a red hijab and a wedding dress just saw a snake's tail protruding there.

Her eyebrows skipped a beat.




Soon, the man covered with cold temperature slowly hugged her from behind.

Pressing against her shoulder, the breath on her body was gloomy and penetrating.

She could feel the temperature of his body, it was very cold, as cold as ice.

She lowered her eyes and saw the cold and pale hand on her waist.

Slender, perfect, well-articulated.

She watched and covered it quietly.

She grabbed his hand and looked sideways slightly.

"Yan Yu?"

The man with the cold breath let out a hum.

Leaning against her as if she had no bones.

That pale and bloodless hand touched her warm face unhurriedly.

Caressing, from eyebrows to lips.

Fingers are also surprisingly cold.

"Wipe what?"

His tone was as weird as ever, and his pale fingertips fell on her lips.

Kneading, probing.

It's about to spoil the lip gloss she put on.

"..." The bride who was hugged pursed her lips.

Leaning on his body, Zhu Chai swayed.

"With rouge."

"...Don't wipe it, it won't look good if you wipe it off."

The cold man hummed, but didn't say anything.

But those cold fingers still wiped off her rouge.

Ruthless and powerful.

It seemed that she didn't really like having something on her lips.

"I don't need to paint it in the future."

He picked her up and hugged her horizontally.

He didn't lift the hijab immediately, but took her to another place.

He doesn't seem to intend to bridal chamber here.

"...Where are you taking me?"

Leaning in his arms, she wanted to lift her hijab.

But what I was thinking, I still didn't reveal it.

Surround him quietly.

Yan Yu hugged his little bride, and his cold gaze skipped a certain part of the palace.

Ice-cold, with eerie green pupils.

Said calmly: "Go to our new home."

One, a home with no idlers waiting.

"..." The beautiful bride blinked her eyes.

Soon, the palace fell silent.

Yan Yu hugged his bride and left, leaving this palace.

As for the hidden little thing, unexpectedly, he didn't say anything, and didn't attack.

The little chubby snake who had been hiding all this time secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Get down.

Suddenly, he changed back to Zuo Huang.

Stand there, sorry.

"I didn't even fall for it."

He hammered the dresser.


Soon, You Qing appeared beside him.

He proudly stretched out his hand and said, "I won, and I want your golden armor."

Zuo Huang's eyes were like knives, and he glanced at him coldly.

Extremely unhappy.

"Damn it!"

He turned away.

You Qing took a look and immediately followed.

"Hey! Don't play tricks!"

"The golden armor is mine!"

Zuo Huang didn't look back.





The bride, who had been wearing a red hijab, was taken to an unknown place.

The aura here is abundant, the air is humid, and the temperature is very warm and suitable.

Even through the red hijab, she could feel the lingering aura around her.

Like gurgling water, it is automatically flowing into her body.

It feels very comfortable, feeling that the whole body is soaked in hot spring water, and the pores are relaxed.

The demon breath in the body has also stabilized a lot.

She wrapped her arms around the man's neck, lifted the hijab slightly, and looked around.

Soon, the man put her down.

Her foot landed on the board and made a creaking sound.

She saw the wooden house in front of her, a new and beautiful wooden house.

There are steps and handrails under the wooden house.

Next to it, unknown flowers are planted.

The scenery here is very good, even at night, you can see the flat and wide grassland in the distance.

The moonlight is bright at night, and the moonlight can shine on the wooden house.

If it were a different day, the bright sunlight would shine straight on, warming and dispelling the chill.

The bride watched quietly, her beautiful peach eyes brightened slightly.

Some surprises, but also some joy.

She thought that the place he took her to would be very cold and dark again, but in the end——

Yan Yu lifted her red hijab and hugged her from behind.

The cold and sticky breath sticks to her body, and his long fingers are cold, holding her hand.

Some effort.

"Sorry, the time is short, and there are still many things that have not been arranged."

His voice was eerie and eerie, and it always sounded incomparably penetrating.

It seemed domineering, but what he did was unexpectedly accommodating her.

Including the siting of this new home.

The delicate bride turned to look at him, her eyes were bright and curved.

Brighter and more beautiful than the moon in the sky.

"Are we going to live here from now on?"

He hooked his lips slightly, "Yeah."

"Then you won't live comfortably?"

She remembered that he liked the cold and damp environment very much.

(End of this chapter)

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