Chapter 1925 White Fox (Extra)
After getting married, Yan Yu's famous name was completely buried in the demon world.

No demon has ever seen him again, nor has he seen that terrifying Coral Snake.

He was reborn for a while, and then he disappeared again.

Hidden in some unknown place in the world, no one knows.

Some people said that he stayed with his little wife for a long time and was unwilling to come out again; others said that his strength had weakened and he was unable to start turmoil again; some even said that he was just plotting in secret, plotting the next shocking conspiracy .

There are different opinions, each with its own reasons.

There are legends about him all over the world.

Half scolded, half feared.

In the teahouse at the foot of the mountain, the man in the gray cloak and veil sat on the tea table, resting his chin, listening with interest to the stories made up by the storyteller.

The storyteller said that back then, Yan Yu was so powerful that he could block thousands of demons, and if any demon approached him within three meters, he would be poisoned and die on the spot.

The storyteller also said that the snake demon still has the blood of a real dragon, invulnerable to swords and guns, and invulnerable to all poisons, it is an out-and-out evil spirit.

Talking and laughing, the kind that can kill people.

The storyteller also said that wherever Yan Yu went, not a single blade of grass grew, and everything was corrupt, he could be called the King of Poison.

The girl sitting in the corner, playing with teacups, listened with gusto.

Even though she has heard these stories hundreds of times, she can express different feelings in the mouths of different storytellers.


very funny.

She swayed her legs slightly, under the veil, her red lips curled slightly.

Skin as fair as snow, long black hair rolled up.

Even with the plain cloak on his body, it was difficult to hide his figure.

Slender, but moving.

Really catches the eye.

Many men looked over, their attention was not on the story of Mr. Storyteller, but on her.

pretty woman...

Seems to be alone again.

A few men couldn't help it, and started to move around.

Just around the corner, wanting to step forward.




But in the end they lost their chance.

Just when someone wanted to move, a man over 1.9 meters tall came in at the entrance of the teahouse.

His face was pale and coquettish, cold and penetrating.

Wearing the most plain gray cloth, holding an umbrella.

Walking in, the oncoming cold feeling.

It seems that there are gusts of wind blowing.

It's chilling and oppressive.

Those hidden muscles seem to be able to kill someone with one punch.

This time, no one dared to move.

Even the storyteller stopped his indignant voice.

All eyes are cast in the past.

Fortunately, the man didn't seem to be looking for trouble.

Just standing there, his cold and piercing eyes fell on the corner.

Settled for a while.

The girl in the simple cloak in the corner was listening to it.

When the storyteller stopped, she seemed to perceive something and looked over.

When she met the man's gaze, she blinked.

Like a good baby, he stood up obediently, walked over, and held his hand.

"Let's go."

Her white and soft hands grabbed him.

The slender and beautiful figure, when standing next to him, seemed a little out of place for a while.

I always feel that the beautiful girl has been kidnapped and sold.

Everyone in the teahouse whispered.

All attention was focused on the two people at the door.

Not wanting to attract too much attention, the man in the cloak quickly pulled the man away.

(End of this chapter)

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