Chapter 1932 Tribulation (6)

The sixth prince Zhongli felt that he was not going well today.

The little bird that I managed to catch yesterday suddenly disappeared for some reason.

He had been excited to roast the bird, but now—

Nothing, nothing!

His little friends were all disappointed in him.

Forget it, he went up the mountain today, originally thinking of catching two more.


A woman appeared out of nowhere and insisted on persuading him not to kill.

Saying that killing is not good will affect him.

Long-winded, although that face is good-looking, but the words that come out are really annoying.

Zhongli was so irritable that he wanted to get rid of her.

Finally got rid of it, and the weather was bad again.

I didn't catch anything, and I was holding my breath for nothing.

He was so angry that he really wanted to get angry.




Back at the inn, Zhong Li was furious and wanted to go upstairs.

Unexpectedly, there was another unlucky little guy who didn't know how to read his face.

The thin body kept him in the way, saying that the jade pendant belonged to him, and returned the jade pendant to him.

Too stubborn.

Zhong Li exploded immediately.

Directly order the guards to drag him to the backyard and beat him violently.

Vent all the anger I received this day on him.

The guards beat and kicked him until the ground was bleeding.

A lot of blood has been spreading along the rain.

Almost soaked the entire backyard.

Zhong Li stood under the eaves, with a sullen face, still not relieved.

He even stepped forward and kicked the unlucky guy hard on the head a few times.

He didn't stop until he fell to the ground, motionless.

Feeling vented a lot.


He grabbed the jade pendant around his waist viciously.

"If I find this jade pendant, it's mine! You dare to grab it! See if I don't kill you!"

On the ground, the skinny little boy lay motionless in a pool of blood.

Messy hair, little hands covered in blood.

Under the heavy rain, as if he lost his breath, the warm and bright red blood continued to flow.

Flowed into the cold rain, stained with the dirty mud.

The small head was knocked against the stone beside it, bleeding profusely.

The thin and shriveled little arms were extremely pale.

Like grass roots crushed in the soil, low and weak, they can be trampled to death easily.

Like a humble ant.

The sixth prince, relieved, kicked him again.

Hold your head high and turn around.

"Go, I'm going to find the queen mother."

The father-in-law who was accompanying him held an umbrella and immediately led him the way.

"Your Highness, this way please."

A group of people are mighty, and after destroying this place, they just left.

Swaggering, not even tidying up.

The little boy was left lying under the heavy rain, covered in blood, motionless and breathing weakly.

It seemed that he was about to die soon.




It didn't take long.

The shopkeeper who had been pretending to be deaf and dumb finally appeared.

Holding an umbrella, he called the shop waiter and asked him to pull away the little boy who fell on the ground.

After all, it was human life, and he didn't want people to die in his shop.

But the waiter was a little reluctant.

"Shopkeeper, that kid's life is so tough, he should wake up by himself after a while, and then just drive him away—"

"are you going?"

The store owner frowned.

"There's so much blood, I'm sure I'm going to die! Go!"

"..." Xiaoer didn't want to touch someone dead.

He hesitated, "Shopkeeper, how about...I'll find a doctor, and then—"

"Nonsense! Call the doctor, you pay?!"

(End of this chapter)

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