Chapter 1950 Tribulation (24)

"You cut off one of his legs, and then he may retaliate—"

"so what?"

She squinted her eyes slightly, looking ahead.

The beautiful face is cold white, as cold as snow.

She had a calm voice, her lips were bright, and her fingertips felt cold.

I don't know if it was blown by the wind.

She said lightly: "I don't care who he is, it's not an exaggeration to kill anyone who touches me."

If he treats her like that, breaking his leg is already considered cheap for him.

Insanely cheap.

When she said this, she played it lightly, without even changing her face.

Just talking about killing people is as easy as eating.

Sinister, cruel.

There is no trace of human warmth in my heart.

It seemed that this was her original face.

There is no compassion for people.

There is no sense and principle that should be there.

The land old man looked at her and didn't speak for a long time.

There seemed to be sadness and disappointment in his eyes.

An endless disappointment to her.

He shook his head and said, "If you are like this, you will never become a fairy."

"Retaliation will never solve the problem."

"Breaking his leg will only make you—"

"Why not?"

She sneered, curling her lips sarcastically.

His eyes turned and he looked at him, his eyes were cold and indifferent.

"Could it be like you? Knowing that what he did was wrong, but still afraid to step forward to obstruct him because of his identity?"

"Old man, don't talk about me, just talk about you."

"You, and the kind-hearted goddess, if the gods are like you, so selfish and hypocritical, because of his noble status, he just keeps his eyes open and pretends to be blind...then I will What's the point of not being a god?"


The land old man choked on her eloquence.

"we do not have!"

He justified subconsciously.

"That's just part of the robbery, we can only act as bystanders, we can't intervene—"

"Oh? Then why don't you say that I killed him as part of Jie?"

Every word of the fox demon is sarcasm and irony.

"Didn't you say you wanted to be a bystander? You didn't care when he was beating someone, but when he was being beaten, why did he suddenly jump out and shout, don't hurt him?"

"Could it be that you gods... are all bullying the good and fearing the evil, stepping on the low and flattering the high?"


The old man in the land jumped up, as if a mouse's tail had been stepped on, and he was angry.

"Damn... dead girl, you still don't know how to repent?!"

"Do you know, he is—"

"What if you know?"

She stood up, fluffing her sleeves and staring coldly.

"I don't care what happens to him after he goes back. If he dares to make my people feel bad, I will make him ten times as bad."

"Breaking a leg is just the first step. You can go back and tell that goddess that I, Yun Si, am a vulgar demon, and I will avenge my revenge."

"Yesterday's revenge will be repaid ten times in the future. If she refuses to accept it, she can come to fight at any time."

"..." The old man in the land was in a state of distress.

Seeing her figure flicker and disappear.

He stood in front of the dilapidated gate, worrying left and right.

I was so worried that I felt that I was already bald, and the leaves on my head were about to fall off.

"Damn girl, why are you disobedient?!"

he really is-

Did she know that what she provoked was Emperor Ziwei who was higher than His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor? !
If he returned to the Heavenly Palace, there would be thousands of ways to torture her!

Just for a poor kid, she——

(End of this chapter)

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