Chapter 1970 Tribulation (44)

Su Chen put down the basket, hugged the fox in his arms, and placed it on the hammock in front of the house.

Then, go to light the lamp to illuminate the whole yard.

The ground was clean, and the cows raised in the cowshed let out a low cry.

In the chicken coop next to it, the chickens also fluttered their wings.

He clucked and poked his head out of the coop.

They all seem to be hungry.

The fox sitting in the hammock shook his ears.

Seeing that the man came out of the small kitchen, with his loose sleeves rolled up, holding two pieces of marinated beef jerky.

Sent it in front of it, squatted down, and fed it.

"Open your mouth."

The fox did so and opened his mouth.

The two pieces of jerky that were used to fill the stomach quickly went down.

The man raised his lips and stroked its belly.


The fox licked its fangs, still wanting more.

"I know you're hungry, but I have to wait a while."

The man rubbed its head habitually, and said softly, "It won't be so late in the future, you won't be angry, right?"


The fox flicked its tail and let out a soft, milky sound.

Soft, which means it is not angry.

The man gave it a rewarding kiss.




Soon, Su Chen entered the kitchen.

Leaving the fox lying motionless in the hammock with its tail sticking out, in mid-air.

Along with the hammock, it swayed and felt very comfortable.

Like a grandpa.

The cow in the cowshed let out a long moo.

Sourly, said: "Look at it, it's like this all day long, it doesn't look like a fox at all."

"Living by its master all day long, what the hell is it doing?"

In the chicken coop, the hen in charge of placing the order clucked and agreed.

"That's right, that fox is really bad, it ate our brother, it's a bad fox!"

"Bad fox! Bad fox!"

On the hammock, the fox, which has been peaceful for years, is lazily, not moving.

Only the tip of the uncontrollable tail swayed slowly in mid-air.

Under the clear moonlight, its bright and soft fur is like being covered with a layer of light white gauze.

Like that beauty whose hair is full of laziness, her eyes are as charming as silk, and her appearance is absolutely gorgeous.

Every move is seductive.

It tickles people's hearts.

The cow mooed and was hungry, but it didn't call the owner's attention.

Its owner, at the moment, is busy lighting a fire and cooking, and serving that heartless vixen.

And that bad fox, even listening to them scolding it, didn't respond.

Slowly swinging the hammock, tail hanging down.

Live as easily as a royal princess.

The cow mooed and said jealously: "Bad fox, you won't be happy for long."

"You are a goblin, someone will come and take you soon."

"When the time comes... Huh! Let's see how arrogant you are!"

The hen clucked: "Bad fox! Bad fox! Humph! Let's see how arrogant you are then!"

They are always repeating what the cow said, nothing new.

The pretty fox lying in the hammock yawned without interest.

It still goes in the left ear and out the right ear.

No response.




Not long after, Su Chen prepared dinner.

As usual, first pick the meat into the little raccoon's bowl, and then wait for it to eat first.

He will eat when it is full.

Eat the rest.

The cows in the cowshed and the chickens in the chicken coop were all so hungry that they kept squawking.

It's a pity that the master didn't notice them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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