Chapter 1973 Tribulation (47)

"What the poor monk wants to ask is the family on the north side of the town, closest to the forest."

"That family, I don't know if any abnormalities have happened in these years?"

"Or, did something strange happen?"

The hunters looked at each other again.

"You mean Mr. Su's house?"

The monk nodded, "Exactly."

"What strange things can happen to Mr. Su's family?"

they mutter.

"Mr. Su teaches well, and he doesn't offend others on weekdays. Where did the strange thing come from?"

"Monk, what exactly do you want to ask?"

The monk twirled the beads and said: "Strange things, of course, refer to anecdotes and strange stories."

"I don't know if all the benefactors have seen or heard of it? For example..."

A hunter didn't know what to think of, hehe laughed.

"I thought of one."


The rest of the hunters cast their gazes.

The man winked and looked a little wretched.

"That fox, doesn't Mr. Su treat it like a treasure?"


In this way, the hunters all let out a long cry at the same time.

"That's really weird."

The monk looked over.

"What the benefactors mean is..."

Those hunters all laughed, a bit obscenely.

One of them said: "Master, you don't know, Mr. Su... loves foxes like hell, and he loves his fox like his own wife."

"Eh——No! I don't think my wife may be as good as his fox."

"Mr. Su, no matter where you go, you must take that fox with you, and eat and live with it."

"That's right! That's it. The people in our town have seen it with their own eyes. Mr. Su will pick up the leftovers from the fox and put them in his own mouth. My God, this--that fox, But it's a beast! Mr. Su actually—"

"Hehehe, so there must be something wrong with that fox."

"Maybe... that fox has already become a spirit, turning into a woman every night, pestering Mr. Su..."

The hunters were all grinning, wishing they could show all their obscenities on their faces.

"Didn't you say before that someone saw that vixen at Mr. Su's house?"

"I don't know, what does that vixen look like..."

"If it's really good-looking, let alone Mr. Su's baby, even if it were me, I would definitely want to confess—"

"Wow... you beast, you won't even let goblins go."

Several hunters were excited about it.

Looking again, the monk who was standing there just now was gone.

In the blink of an eye, it was gone.

Those hunters: "Huh?"

"What about people?"

"The monk is gone?"

"When did you leave? Did anyone see it?"

"...Looking skinny, I didn't expect my legs to be so good."

The hunters looked around.

"Wow... that's really fast."

They sigh.




Early in the morning.

A house next to the forest.

Su Chen got up very early to dig well water and wash clothes in the yard.

The cows in the cowshed are grinding soybeans, and the chickens in the chicken coop are laying eggs.

All the animals are awake, only the furiously spoiled fox in the house is still sleeping.

Covered with a thin quilt, I fell asleep soundly and fell asleep.

Totally heartless.

Cows lowed and chickens clucked.

In the yard, the man with his sleeves rolled up hung the washed clothes on the rope to dry.

(End of this chapter)

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