Chapter 1975 Tribulation (49)

"If you don't believe it, you can stick this talisman on the monster's body. You will know the result at a glance."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of yellow talisman paper from his pocket.

Fold the talisman paper and stuff it into the crack of the door.

Then, salute again and put your hands together.

"Also please benefactor, think about it as soon as possible."

After speaking, the door was still closed.

Quiet, no sound.

The talisman paper was still there, motionless.

The monk stood at the door and waited for a while.

Strangely, there was no forced entry.

When the door didn't open, he left.

Still come without a trace, go without a trace.

leave quickly.

Behind the door, the man who had been standing there the whole time pulled the talisman paper caught in the crack of the door and tore it to shreds.

Torn into small pieces.

It was not enough, so he threw the talisman paper fragments into the fire.

The talisman paper was directly burned and turned into a cloud of gray smoke.

In the room, the person who had been quietly peeping through the window watched quietly.

Watch him take out the ashes in the brazier and dump them.

His face was calm, as if nothing had happened.

She looked, slightly, lowered her eyes.

Some unknown emotions flashed faintly.


Do you trust her so much?

She slowly pinched the corner of the skirt.

very quiet.




After doing the housework, the man came to wake his baby fox as usual.

Pick up his fox and kiss it.

Shaking slightly, the voice was gentle and gentle.

"Little raccoon?"

"It's time to get up, I made your favorite braised fish, it will be cold if you get up late."

The fox woke up a long time ago, raised his fluffy head, and fixedly looked at him.

With a cry, he leaned over and licked him.

"Little raccoon is so cute."

The man smiled, smiling like a spring breeze.

It's still like nothing happened.

He didn't mention anything about the monk's visit just now.

He just rubbed its tail and carried it off the bed.

Routinely gargle it and wash its face.

In the cowshed, the cow gave a long moo.


I don't understand what happened to its owner. He was such a wise and careful person in the past, but he couldn't see clearly that the bad fox was a demon.

No matter what anyone says, I don't believe it.

It's like getting into the horns.

Aside, the chickens in the coop were clucking.

This time, it's not repeating.

It clucked and said loudly: "You will never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep, because he did it on purpose! On purpose!"

The fox's ears twitched, and he looked over in an instant.

"Bad fox! Bad fox!"

"What are you looking at, you are a bad fox!"

The chicken yelled.

He began to repeat what the cow said again.

"..." The fox narrowed his eyes slightly.

As if thinking about something.




late at night.

Earth Temple.

In the temple that no one has visited all year round, an unexpected visitor ushered in.

Wearing a red dress, facing the wind, the fragrance diffuses.

Appeared in the earth temple, stepped on the layers of fallen leaves.

There was a slight clicking sound.

The strong wind blew up and the shadows of the trees shook.

In the Earth Temple, the statue of the Earth God was painted, and most of it has faded.

It was dark, and the altar was empty and full of dust.

The idol lit up.

Then, the little old man appeared.

Holding a crutch taller than him, the leaves on his head are sparse.

Turned around and staggered.

Then he sat down on the temple sill, and it was ashes again.

(End of this chapter)

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