Chapter 1984 Tribulation (58)

The man who was being hugged turned his face and smiled at the beautiful and agile vixen.

Take the jerky out of the jar, tear off a piece, and feed her.

Just like feeding the fox before, feed it mouthful.

That charming vixen hugged him and opened his mouth.

During the movement of the loose clothes, the white and clear shoulders were slightly exposed.

There are ambiguous red marks that fell at an unknown time on it, densely packed, and were quickly blocked by the clothes again.

The fox beauty swallowed the beef jerky, then stood on tiptoe and kissed him again.

The man looked even more tenderly and spoke softly to her.

The two of them acted like no one else, being intimate in the small kitchen.

A certain cow who always wanted to destroy: ...

Some chickens who have been scolding the fox: ...




At this time, the Earth Temple.

The old earth temple has been in disrepair for a long time, and the eaves have long been broken.

The ground is in tatters, and when it rains, the temple will flood.

Just like the Dragon King Temple.

There are few incense sticks in front of the Earth Temple, but the ground is full of fallen leaves.

After a heavy rain, the outside of the temple became even more wet, with puddles everywhere.

Fallen leaves float on the puddles, and bugs stay here and there from time to time.

It was damp and cold, and the air was sticky and tight.

After the old man of the land dragged the monk to come here, the rain just started to fall.

The monk got impatient with him, so he found a place to shelter from the rain and sat down.

Rest and meditate, read scriptures and chant Buddha.

Even though the flood flooded the Temple of Earth, he seemed to be blind and ignored it completely.

Close your eyes and chant sutras.

Reading it makes the old man's head hurt.

"...No, if you keep chanting like this, the Buddha won't be tired?"

The old man in the land did not understand.

"Can't you think about the Buddha's ears?"


no answer.

The land old man felt that his hair was about to lose half.

He was helpless.

"No, you—"

The monk with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were cold and stern.

"The time has come, the fox demon must die."

With that said, he was about to get up.

When the old man heard this, he immediately dropped his crutches.

With sharp eyesight and quick hands, he held him down.

"Wait, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"


The monk said violently, "Tu Tu, are you going to cover up that fox demon?!"

"Do you know what you are doing now?!"


As soon as the words came out, the hands of the land trembled instantly.

With such a big hat on his head, he—

He subconsciously withdrew his hand, resentful.

"I... I didn't mean that, what are you in a hurry for?"

He felt guilty and stuttered when he spoke.

The monk stood up, his gaze sharp as an arrow.

"There is no best!"

He said.

"As a priest, you not only failed to protect the emperor's safety when he descended to the realm, but also allowed the goblin to do evil and absorb the essence of the emperor. You should think about how to explain this serious crime to the emperor, and you still add more here. stop?!"

The monk whose temper smelled worse than the stones in the stinking ditch, when he yelled loudly, it seemed that the whole mountain was filled with his yelling.

Resounding, sonorous and powerful.

Great righteousness, awe-inspiring righteousness.

I was so frightened that the land old man, who was already a handful of years old, just stood there dumbfounded.

The beard trembled in fright.

Couldn't speak for a long time.

Totally stupid.

"You... what did you say?"

"God... Divine Sovereign?"

what does that mean? ? ?
Didn't the emperor live well in the palace? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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