Chapter 2001 Tribulation Fruit (5)

"Yao Chi? Madam should not be in Yao Chi now, right?"

Xiao Chan's big eyes blinked and she sat by the chopping board, holding her small head.

"The emperor is back now, and many gods are in the Lingxiao Temple now, and the empress should not have time to see talents now."

Qingluo knocked her on the head, "Of course I know, why don't you say it?"


Xiaochan covered her head, pitifully.

"Sister Qingluo, why did you hit me?"

Qingluo snorted, "It's because my mother is busy that I was asked to come."

"Then what did you hit me for?"

Xiaochan was wronged.

"I even helped you find a notebook!"

Qingluo looked around.

The Xingsi Palace is full of little boys, and they all earnestly write fate talismans on small chopping boards.

Seeing that no one was paying attention, she conjured up a bunch of candied haws like a magic trick, and stuffed them to her.

"Hey, for you."

When Xiaochan saw it, her eyes popped out, and she immediately hid them.

"Where did you get it? This is—this is from the human world???"

These little children were born in the Heavenly Palace, and have never eaten anything from the mortal world.

It's rare to have such a bunch of candied haws, so she must be greedy to death.

Qingluo made a silent gesture.

"Shh—don't say I gave it to you."

Xiao Chan's eyes sparkled, and she nodded repeatedly.

Don't care about what she did to knock her on the head just now.

Qingluo patted her little head, "I'm leaving, don't tell the god about this, do you understand?"

Xiaochan nodded vigorously, and hid the candied haws she got, "Yeah!"

Only then is Qingluo satisfied.




Leaving Xingsi Palace, outside, there are many immortals walking in a hurry, heading east.

Yun Si stood at the gate of Xingsi Palace, and followed Qing Luo down the steps.

Originally wanted to look in the direction of Lingxiao Palace to the east, but Qingluo didn't give her a chance to look at it at all, she just pulled her and walked towards the west with all her might.

Completely in the opposite direction.

Yun Si was almost dragged away by her.

Qingluo held her arm and said, "I'll take you the way to Yaochi once, you have to remember it well this time."

"The empress is not here. When you arrive at Yaochi, you should go take a shower and change your clothes. After the empress returns, I will decide where you will go."

"Oh yes, you can no longer use the name of the mortal realm in the future. According to the rules of our heavenly court, after becoming a fairy, the name must be changed to stop the troubles of the past."


"However, there is no rush to change your name. If the empress is in a good mood, she will give you a name. When the time comes, you will be happy to receive the reward."

"Once you get the name and immortality, you will live in peace and contentment from now on, don't cause trouble."

"In short, in Yaochi Palace, you just need to remember that you can never go wrong if you listen to your mother in everything..."

The road to Yaochi Palace is not too short, but Qingluo can always find something to say.

On the way, he said a lot of instructions, roughly meaning to let her be obedient, be obedient, and be a fairy.

Don't think about what you have and what you don't.

Yun Si listened all the way, but said nothing.

After arriving at Yao Chi Palace, Qing Luo seemed to be in a hurry to do something, so she threw her to a little flower fairy queen, gave a few casual instructions, and left.

Go in the direction of the east.

In that huge and luxurious palace, soon only Xiao Huaxian and Yun Si were left, staring wide-eyed.

There was a long silence.

All the fairy servants in the palace seemed to have gone to Lingxiao Palace, only the little flower fairy was still diligently taking care of the flowers and plants.

(End of this chapter)

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