Chapter 2003 Tribulation Fruit (7)

"Girl, rest first, I'll get you some clothes."

Yun Si nodded and said politely, "I'm sorry for your inconvenience, Ah Ling."

"No trouble, no trouble."

Ah Ling was a little embarrassed, "The girl will serve the empress in the future, I just hope that if the girl has the opportunity... she can praise A Ling more in front of the empress."

"..." Yun Si blinked.

A Ling smiled at her cautiously.

Yun Si could only nod.

"Well, if I have the chance, I will try my best."

Although, she doesn't intend to stay here for long.




After Ah Ling left, Yun Si opened the door and entered the room.

The lotus fragrance in the room is elegant and faint, filled with refreshing sandalwood.

It is like the incense bathed in the Buddhist hall, and like the poncho immersed in the lotus pond.

Spiritual energy lingers, fairy energy is gentle, and it is unusually quiet.

It is a good place to practice.

Yun Si looked around and closed the door casually.

The sound of dragon chants in the distance kept coming and going, and she closed the door, but she could still hear the sound in the distance.

Her hand stopped.

As if feeling something, she spread her palms.

On the palm of his hand, the purple light that appeared out of nowhere appeared slightly.

Like a brand, there was a faint heat in her palm.

Slowly, a word appeared——


The symbol of Ziwei star.

Yun Si's eyes flashed, and her fingers shrank suddenly.

Subconsciously, look around, and wipe off.

But it can't be wiped off.

The faintly hot purple brand on her palm was as if someone had burned the seal red and pressed it firmly.

Yun Si clutched her hand, her thoughts were confused.

For no reason, something flashed through my mind.

She began to think back, thinking back to the dream that made her uneasy.

This brand, it seems... was at that time——


Since then, it has never appeared again.

She thought it was just a dream, and it turned out—

Yun Si slowly grabbed her hand and made a fist.

Subconsciously, cover up the word.

She doesn't know what this word means now, whether it was left by him, or that His Royal Highness left it on purpose for revenge.

Although the intuition is him, but in case it is for revenge...

Yun Si clenched her hands tightly.

That's trouble.

She has a big head.




Lingxiao Palace.

After congratulating, the gods withdrew.

In the huge and splendid palace, only the Emperor of Heaven and the man sitting opposite him remained.

The man was dressed in an elegant and noble dark purple star robe, his complexion was cold and pale, and his back was gorgeous.

With long and slender fingers like jade, he landed a piece on the chessboard without any haste.

While the clothes were swinging, the red gold silk embroidered fire kylin on the sleeve was lifelike.

Like a living thing, it is engraved on it, the gods are thick, and the luck is auspicious.

The man was wearing the white velvet embroidered dragon cloak, handsome and cold.

With lowered eyebrows and eyes, faintly, the breath is cold and indifferent, making it impossible to see the emotion.

However, when the sunspot fell, the style of chess changed from the gentle and restrained one before.

This time, he stepped stronger and killed the Quartet.

The shot was a bit too urgent and ruthless.

Even if a lot of chess pieces are lost.

His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor only glanced at it and knew that he had lost.

Even under his best remedy.

But even if he lost, he didn't seem to be angry.

On the contrary, he smiled, and there was a rare look of joy on his majestic face.

He took out two white stones and put them on the chessboard.

Said he conceded defeat.

The cold and gorgeous man raised his hand and put away the chessboard.

(End of this chapter)

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