Chapter 2008 Tribulation Fruit (12)

The action of snatching the pen stopped there, sluggish for a long time.

Immediately, he looked at her suddenly, with a passionate voice: "Back... back?!"

Qingluo threw her pen aside.

"I just came back today, and I should have returned to Ziwei Palace by now."

Luo Fei's tears trembled, "Then... is there something wrong with him? But... is he injured? Is the injury on his leg okay?"

She has been thinking about it all the time, and her heart has been clutching tightly.

I was so worried that I couldn't sleep all night.

Now he's back—

"Fei'er, don't worry, Your Highness is fine, nothing happened."

Qingluo hugged her in relief.

"Don't worry, Your Highness is the main god in charge of Auspicious Star, what can happen?"

"But...but—he is in the mortal world, it's not that he broke his leg——"

"Broken leg?" Qingluo suddenly thought of it when she heard it.

"Ah... no, no, Fei'er, you made a mistake, the one whose leg was cut off was not our Highness."

"What... what?" Luo Fei was stunned.

"You made a mistake." Qingluo pushed her onto the chair, "How could that dishonest person be His Highness?"

"You don't even think about it, how could our Highness look like that on weekdays?"

"...but...but, doesn't he have His Highness's amulet on him—"

"Oh, it's wrong, it's all wrong," Qingluo said all the news she got.

"Your Majesty told me that His Highness was reincarnated in the mortal world as an ordinary scholar, not some prince."

"Silly girl, you have even made a mistake about who your sweetheart is."

Luo Fei's face was dumbfounded, "...Then why is the god's pendant——"

"I'm not sure about that, it seems to mean... was robbed?"

"The empress didn't tell me about this, but everyone said so, so it should be right?"

Qingluo said, and nodded her head to show her affirmation.

Luo Fei was stunned for quite a while, then grabbed her abruptly with an urgent tone.

"Then...the reincarnation of His Highness——he—how is he doing well? Has he been wronged? Will—will—have a wife in this life?"

Qingluo groaned, showing hesitation.

"Get a wife..."

Luo Fei stared at her with earnest expression.

", right?"

"Surely not, right?"

"Xingsi Shenjun clearly said that there is no marriage arrangement in His Highness's fate."

"...This..." Qingluo hesitated to speak.

Seeing her extremely earnest appearance, it was difficult for her to speak.

"His Royal Highness he..."

"Say it!" Luo Fei said louder.

He even grabbed her shoulder hard, almost out of control.

Qingluo was so scared that she blurted out, "I married... I married a fox demon."

Luo Fei's face turned pale, "What did you say—"

Qing Luo bit her head, "This... I won't hide this matter from you, Your Highness, he... did get married in the mortal world. According to... it is said that when he was 20 years old... he and that fox demon..."

Luo Fei's body suddenly became precarious.

"'s impossible..."

"You must have lied to me, right? You must have lied to me...Your Highness, he can't—"

"Fei'er!" Seeing that she was not feeling well, Qing Luo hurriedly supported her.

"Don't worry, just listen to me first—"

"It's not wrong for His Highness to be married, but he has lived with that woman for only a few decades—His Highness doesn't have much affection for her!"

There were rumors about the scandal, and tears flowed everywhere, "Is... really?"

(End of this chapter)

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