Chapter 2019 Tribulation Fruit (23)

But obviously, she misunderstood what he meant.

His Royal Highness, who was cold and heartless, just hugged her and lay on the bed.

Not too much action.

Really, just hold.

The breath on his body was very cold and faint, and when he hugged her into his arms, he didn't show any emotion.

It really seemed like it was just a routine.

The hand on her waist moved up slowly.

He patted her on the back lightly, as if trying to lull her to sleep.

But Yun Si is not sleepy.

Especially when they just met again, knowing that he still remembers her.

Leaning in his arms, she was still very energetic.

Like a restless cat, his head always arches his neck from time to time.

Rubbing stickers everywhere, expressing intimacy.

And that cold and seemingly inhuman god closed his eyes and didn't say anything.

The palm fell on the back of her head and rubbed gently.

Where she couldn't see, there was a slight tiredness between the brows.

His face was still a little pale, as if he was very tired.

She seemed to be aware of it in his arms.

Especially when the tip of her nose moved.

She was always able to detect the faint smell of blood immediately.

Even just a little.

She frowned, stopped, looked up, and looked at him.

"You are hurt?"

The cold god slightly opened his eyes.

He didn't speak immediately, but hugged her and pressed her back into his arms.

Lowering his eyes, his eyes were calm and light.


"..." Deceitful.

She was a little unhappy.

There was obviously a smell of blood, so he lied to her.

Without speaking, she lowered her head and began to untie his belt.

The cold god held her down for a moment.


The fox, who had been raised by him to be extremely delicate, raised his head, his beautiful eyes were slightly red, and stared at him.

"You reject me?"


Seeing that, there is still trouble.

The god who pressed her hand paused.

The hand that was holding it loosened as if it was scalding.

No effort at all.

"I do not have."

Following her habit, it has already penetrated into her bone marrow.

As soon as her eyes turned red, he would immediately disarm and surrender.

His tone also softened.

She pursed her lips, sat up, and pulled him up too.

Continue to tear at his clothes, tear them apart, and throw them aside.

The scars on the back were exposed again, without any concealment.

But the wound has healed, leaving only shocking scars.

Stretching across his back, there are one after another, it is impossible to count how many there are.

Like the roots of an old tree, deeply, deep into the flesh.

It was shocking and unimaginable how deep and painful the wound would be before it healed.

Yun Si's eyes turned red immediately, completely red.

The hand, gently, covered it.

His voice trembled.

"How... how did you do it?"

Isn't he a god?
Why... why did it hurt like this? ? ?

The man hugged her immediately.

He hugged her into his lap and patted her on the back lightly.

"I accidentally made it before, and it doesn't hurt anymore."

"..." She was about to burst into tears.

In front of him, she always easily becomes vulnerable.

No injuries can be seen.

"Is... did someone hurt you?"

The man hummed in her ear, and gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with his cold white fingertips.

With a little bit of treasure and care.

"It's really all right, silly girl, it doesn't hurt."

"..." Another lie.

How could such a deep injury not hurt?

(End of this chapter)

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