Chapter 2021 Tribulation Fruit (25)

A few days later, Tiangong, which hadn't had a happy event for a long time, ushered in a shocking wedding.

His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven personally decreed to grant a marriage to Emperor Ziwei.

And the object of the marriage is a little fox who has just become a fairy, and his cultivation base is less than 3000 years old.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone knows that Emperor Ziwei was born without a marriage line.

Indifferent and withdrawn by nature, he seldom contacts female fairies in Japan.

In addition, his status is there, and he has a good relationship with the Emperor of Heaven, so his marriage can almost be regarded as being able to decide on his own.

No one else can interfere.

Now His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor suddenly gave her a marriage without warning, and the other party was still a little fox fairy——

So, the gods of all the palaces who had been idle for a long time were all asking about the identity of the little fox.

I want to see where it is sacred and what is so special about it.

When the news reached Yaochi Palace, Qingluo, who was picking petals to make tea, dropped the basket in her hand with a clang.

The little Hualing next to her was so frightened that her hands trembled, and the water spilled all over the floor.

"What... what's wrong? Sister Qingluo?"

Qingluo ignored her, as if she didn't hear her.

All he could say was, it's over, it's over, it's over...

After all, she didn't even look at Xiaohualing, didn't pick up the basket, and ran away.

He ran out of Yaochi Palace, not knowing where he was going.

This made Xiao Hualing full of doubts.

"What's the end..."

She scratched her head, not knowing why.




Xingsi Palace.

After the decree of the marriage came down, it was quickly spread to Xingsi Palace along the mouth of the crane that delivered the letter.

When Xiaochan heard the news, she was stunned, and then she let out an ah, her pink and jade-carved face showed a sudden realization.

"It turns out that the backstage of that beautiful sister is His Highness..."

She felt that this made sense.

Thinking this way, she ran to find Lord Xingsi.

"Grandpa! Xiaochan knows! Xiaochan knows!"

Xingsi Shenjun was busy changing his immortal status, so he didn't raise his head.

"Know what?"

Xiaochan ran up and down beside him.

"I know who the backstage of that fox sister is!"

As soon as this unscrupulous child's words came out, Shenjun was so frightened that he threw away the pen and covered her mouth.

His eyes widened, his beard trembled.

"You, you, you - didn't you tell you about this, don't you say it outside?"

"..." Xiao Chan, whose mouth was covered, tilted her head slightly, and pulled off his hand.

"Why can't you tell?"

"Is it because everyone thinks that Sister Fox is going through the back door?"

Xingsi Shenjun quickly looked around, made a shh gesture, and asked her to turn down the volume.

"It's good to know, don't talk about it outside."

Xiao Chan gave a long sigh, "Then...the woman His Highness married in the mortal world is actually Sister Fox?"

Xingsi Shenjun knocked on her small forehead angrily, "You girl, usually you are very lazy and stupid, like an elm, why are you starting to get better at this time?"

Don't focus on business all day long!
Xiaochan was grinning, and the two ox horn buns on her head were dangling.

"Isn't it easy to guess... the one who married His Highness in the mortal world is a fox, and the one who married His Highness here is also a fox. People like His Highness are unlikely to marry two foxes, so they are sure It's the same one."

Xingsi Shenjun made a silent gesture again.

"Okay, don't talk about this."

"No matter who comes to ask, they all say they don't know, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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