Chapter 2023 Tribulation Fruit (27)

Warm and cool hands gently covered her, caressing carefully, touching her delicate and smooth skin.

The movements are gentle and extremely intimate.

Like a very loving couple.She took a step forward, as always, and hugged him.

The big tail behind her swayed silently, and she rubbed against his chest clingily, her voice humming, coquettish.

"I'm hungry and want to eat your noodles."

It's clear that they haven't been separated for a long time, but she seems a little insecure and always likes to be close to him.

Like a little fox that hasn't lost its childishness yet.

The noble and cold Emperor Dijun stroked her thin and slender back, lowered his head, and hugged her tightly.

Just as he was about to say something, suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he raised his eyes slightly.

The thin and cool phoenix eyes were cold for a moment.

Immediately, he hugged the charming girl who was clinging to him in his arms.

Turn around and close the door.

The bedroom door was closed immediately.

"Huh? I want to eat noodles!"

In the bedroom, the squeamish fox made a fuss, feeling a little dissatisfied.

But soon, her voice disappeared.

Quietly, in front of the palace gate, nothing can be heard.

The screen was immediately shattered by a powerful force.

Violent waves of air burst out from the screen, instantly reversing it.


The person who was peeping in front of the mirror was shaken away vigorously.

The small cave was shaken, and the gravel fell.

"Pfft..." The weak and poor woman was smashed heavily on the stone wall like a piece of rag.

A sweet, rusty liquid gushed out of his throat.

Big mouthfuls of blood were spit out uncontrollably, staining the tiny sandstones on the ground red.

Immediately, her body fell to the foot of the stone wall, and that beautiful white dress was even stained with that scorching color that shouldn't have been there.

Weak, sad, there is nothing worse than mourning.

She fell to the ground, her tender fingers sinking deeply into the sand.

The body remained motionless, and the crystal tears fell silently, drop by drop.

Falling on Shi Shuo, which was stained with her warm red blood, the tears splashed and melted immediately.

Soaked in the thorny gravel, never to be seen again.

She fell there, her extremely thin shoulders trembling silently.

Like the helpless pure white butterfly in a stormy night, being dropped drop by drop by the merciless cold rain without mercy.

"Sister Fei'er—"

When Qingluoma came here without stopping, the first thing she saw was such a pitiful scene.

Her heart suddenly jumped, and she ran over immediately.

"How are you? Is there something wrong? How did you fall?"

She was concerned, but she was confused, and only after she was lifted up did she realize that such a poor and weak person's face was already full of tears.

He endured it silently without making a sound.

The lips were bitten and blood came out.

The blood beads burst brightly.

Qingluo helped her up distressedly, and quickly took out the handkerchief she carried with her to wipe her tears.

"Sister...are you okay...don't cry..."

However, the seemingly weak person grabbed her hand.

Extremely strong, tear-filled eyes stared at her firmly.


"Is he really... going to get married?"

"And one, fox?"

She seems to have known this news for a long time.

Qingluo opened her mouth, seeing her about to collapse, she hesitated to speak.

"elder sister……"

"Answer me! Don't you!?"

Her voice exploded instantly, as if she was on the verge of collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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