Chapter 2026 Tribulation Fruit (30)

"..." The man who had been raised more and more delicate and domineering snorted, shook off his hand, turned and left.

"Someone is looking for you, let's talk."

Between the lines, it revealed her displeasure.

The kind-tempered god grabbed her.

The strength in his hands seemed gentle, but he was able to bring her back in one stroke.

"It's okay, you don't have to go."

The god was wearing a plain green robe, and the wide cuffs had been rolled up.

High, held between the elbows.

He was supposed to be sitting in a high position, untouched by the fireworks of the world, but now, like a villager in the mountains, he washed his hands and made soup, with an apron tied around his waist.

Pulling his squeamish little lady, the tone was gentle, and it was not difficult to hear a bit of coaxing.

His posture was lowered, his gaze was soft, as if he was trying to curry favor with her.

"Don't be mad, eh?"

In an instant, Luo Fei's nails sank even deeper.

It pierced deeply into the flesh, as if warm liquid still flowed out.

In the palm of my hand, the warm touch became more and more sticky.

She clenched her fists tightly and watched the interaction between the two behind the door.

Especially, that noble and handsome man never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

His little wife was angry, and the first thing he cared about was her.

Acting like no one else, even intimacy is so natural and familiar.

It is not difficult to imagine how many hundreds of times he has done these things.

The picture is extremely dazzling.

Luo blushed, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

He ran extremely fast, as if he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

Behind the door, the delicate man who was in a somewhat unhappy mood twisted his hands, trying to get rid of him.

"Aren't you going after her?"

She grunted coldly and was about to leave.

The man hugged her and nodded her forehead.

"What nonsense? How could I chase other women?"

The extremely arrogant and selfish person snorted and reached out to grab his ear.

"Do you dare to chase after it?"

The man slightly hooked his lips, "Well, I dare not."

With that said, he took her slender waist and went back.

The door then automatically closed.

"If someone knocks on the door in the future, I'll come and you sit obediently, okay?"

The door was closed, but the man's voice could still be faintly heard, coaxing patiently.

The delicate man pushed him away, dissatisfied.

"...What? Are you afraid that I will meet your old lover?"

The man paused, helpless.

"Nonsense again."

He leaned over, approached her, and gently squeezed her delicate face, very patiently.

"I've only ever had you, where's the old lover?"

"Don't think so, okay?"

"...Really not?"


That glamorous and extraordinarily delicate person pouted.

"It's almost there."

"You are mine, you are not allowed to look at other women, you know?"

She is very territorial, too strong.

It's hers, and no one else can touch it.

Absolutely not.

The supreme god who was revered by thousands of people smiled softly, leaned over and hugged her.

On her ruddy and delicate face, I kissed her.

as usual.

"Okay, I'm yours."

And you are mine too.

He spoke softly, word for word.

It was easy to give him the promise.

The fox, who was in a somewhat unhappy mood, was satisfied.

Stretch out your hands and hug him.

Cheeks rubbed against his neck, like a small animal, and the unpleasant things were quickly forgotten.

"Is the meal ready? I'm hungry."

"All right."

Her head was gently touched, "Go and wash your hands first."

(End of this chapter)

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