Chapter 2029 Tribulation Fruit (Special Part [-])

I was so repelled that I didn't go home all day, and hid in the mountains.

Luo Fei was afraid that he would meet that damn vixen when he went up the mountain, so he panicked.

After a while, he softened, and promised him again and again that he would not forcefully send him anything again, as long as he didn't go up the mountain again.

But that restrained and silent boy was never willing to listen to her.

He didn't like her, and the way he looked at her was always so vigilant and full of hostility.

He didn't believe that anyone would be nice to him for no reason, and he didn't like the way she looked at him either.

The way she looked at him was too strong and purposeful, which disgusted him and made him physically uncomfortable.

She was always entangled at the door, so gradually, he didn't want to live in that little shabby house anymore.

In order to avoid her, he was self-reliant, collecting firewood in the mountains and living in a cave.

Luo Fei couldn't force him, but was flustered.

She was afraid, afraid that the damn fox would show up and take everything from her.

She was afraid every day, worried every day.

Therefore, even if she is shameless and abuses spells, she will always follow the boy.

No matter how hard you rush, you can't drive away.

Followed until he grew up, from a short and small boy to a taciturn Chafu.

When he grew up, he still cut wood for a living and occasionally hunted.

He has never studied or entered a school, and he does not know a single word.

In the eyes of the people in the town, he is an indifferent and difficult to get along with.

They go down the mountain regularly every day, carrying hundreds of catties of firewood and hares, and send them to rich families to sell.

And behind him, there will always be a beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a flower.

Wearing a curly white dress, she looks like a fairy descending from heaven.

She spoke softly, even if she was ignored, she still followed.

A beautiful girl can always win people's favor, so everyone likes her very much.

Only the man who didn't know a single word and lived on the mountain never paid any attention to her.

Ignore, completely ignore.

When he earned money, he kept it for himself, bought steamed stuffed buns, and bought rice.

Alone, even if she has been followed by a beautiful woman, she has never felt sorry for her.

Never looked her in the eye.

But Luo Fei was very satisfied.

Because in this life, there are only him and her.

She believes that being with him will always move him.

No matter how cold the stone is, there will be a day when it will be warmed up.

Therefore, she was never discouraged.

Still following closely every day, while talking about protection, while always being vigilant, vigilant to prevent that damned fox from appearing.




On the day when the man's 20th birthday came, Luo Fei couldn't wait any longer.

Even though she told herself repeatedly, be patient and don't be in a hurry, but seeing her sweetheart become more mature and handsome every day, she thought, she really couldn't wait any longer.

She couldn't wait to be with him, couldn't wait to marry him, couldn't wait to kiss his charming and cold eyes.

Even just thinking about it was enough to make her blood boil.

So, she came up with a plan.

On his birthday, she planned to cast a spell to make it rain heavily.

The man usually forbids her to enter his cave, but it's raining, and in such a harsh environment, she doesn't believe that he will have the heart to see her a weak woman wandering outside alone.

That's too dangerous, he won't bear to see it.

She had it all planned out and it rained and she got wet.

At that time, the lonely men and widows will live together in a dark place.

As long as she adds a little more ingredients to the water he wants to drink...

She didn't believe that he would be indifferent.

Everything was planned, and she planned everything.




That day, for the first time ever, she did not follow him down the mountain.

As usual, the man went down the mountain carrying hundreds of catties of firewood.

Because of his luck, he also caught a strong wild boar, so he planned to carry the wild boar down the mountain to buy it, and buy some winter clothes by the way.

Luo Fei did not follow him, but sneaked into the cave where he lived after he left.

She planned to arrange everything, and then put on a new and beautiful bridal dress, put on a red hijab, and wait for him.

Fantasizing about the beauty of everything to come, she couldn't help but blush.

Just think about it, she can be his wife, and she can be treated with such tenderness from him...

She felt that even if she was going to die the next day, it would be worth it.

Thinking of this, she happily arranged the cave as a wedding room for two newlyweds.

She used to use spells all the time, but today she was extra careful and arranged everything by herself.

Affix the word "囍", hang a red water chestnut, and light a candle with auspicious dragon and phoenix.

She was looking forward to it with joy and doing all of this contentedly.

Until the evening, when the man should come back, she even changed into a wedding dress.

It started to rain outside and the wind started to blow.

Only in the cave, the atmosphere is beautiful, extremely warm, full of her love and expectations.

In order for him to see her most beautiful appearance when he came back, she sat upright, maintaining a dignified posture.

The cheeks are dyed with the most gorgeous rouge, and the lips are dotted with the imaginative red.

This is the most beautiful makeup she has put on for a long time, and everything is for him.

Thinking of what would happen next, he and she would...

There was a happy smile on her beautiful face.

Between the brows, there is the spring of the young girl's heart.

He was hers, she was thinking.

At last, he will be hers.

She is bound to win.





However, the wind has been blowing for a long, long time, and it has been raining for a long, long time.

From evening to dusk.

Winter is about to enter, and the temperature at night is cold, as if, along with the icy rain, it hits people's hearts all the way.

There seems to be no end.

He never came back.

For the first time, he did not come back.

The bride who had already dressed herself up was looking forward to it for a long time.

But no matter how much she hoped, she couldn't wait, couldn't wait for his familiar figure to appear.

There is only cold rain outside, and the relentless wind.

The candle in the cave that brought prosperity between the dragon and the phoenix has been burned out, but the red silk is still hanging high.

The well-tailored "囍" became much darker after the candle was burned out.

It seems that the hot and joyful temperature above has gradually lost its temperature.

Everything, dead silence.

And the bride, who was sitting by the bed and put on her bridal gown, was holding on to the red handkerchief tightly, with a pair of pitiful and beautiful eyes, she didn't dare to blink for a moment.

Looking at the extremely dark road outside, I have been waiting, I have been waiting.

Looking forward to the appearance of her sweetheart.

Even if it was, I was already pleading in my heart.

Pleading for God's mercy, begging for him to appear.

I don't know how long I waited.

Time passed bit by bit, as if passing very slowly, so slow that I didn't know when it would end.

(End of this chapter)

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