Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2042 Give you the scales

Chapter 2042 Give You the Scales (8)

Fortunately, the entrance is easy to find.

Follow the instructions of the optical brain, swipe the card and push the door to go in.

The heavy iron door is a bit difficult to push open.

She pushed open the door and went up the stairs. What greeted her was the extremely wet and salty smell of sea water.

The air is damp and sticky.

Accompanied by that faint familiar breath.

It's like a fox's tail, hidden in the strong wet and salty smell.

If you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it at all, and you can't distinguish it at all.

Yun Si went up the stairs and came to the huge aquarium.

The water surface is calm, the waves are slightly rippling, and there is no ups and downs.

She squatted halfway beside the water surface, penetrated the water surface, and looked straight at the direction of the bottom.

The water is very clear and blue.

However, because there are many corals and dense seaweed underneath, there are still many places that cannot be seen clearly.

Including that cunning silver-tailed mermaid.

She squatted and slowly stretched out her hand.

The slender white fingers were immersed in the water.

The water is cool and the temperature is even a little low.

She shook the water, trying to attract the attention of the merfolk.

However, although the green-tailed mermaids are kind and friendly, they are too timid.

Even if he noticed her, he didn't move.

Everyone hugged and huddled, and no one was willing to surface.

Yun Si patted the surface of the water, and the water splashed everywhere.

The movement became louder, but still no mermaid paid attention to her.

After waiting for a while, she withdrew her hand.

Staring at the silver fish tail hidden in the seaweed in the distance, she instinctively told her that it was him.

Green-tailed mermaids are delicate, and their tails cannot be so powerful that they can shatter tempered glass.

If it's not a green tail... then it can only be...

She looked around, looking for something useful.

Soon, she found the control panel of the aquarium.

This place is highly intelligent and can control the manipulator to catch the fish in the box.

If the fish is disobedient, there are various methods of electric paralysis.

For breeders, it can be said to be quite easy to operate.

Yun Si stood in front of the console, and before she could figure out how to use each button, Murong Jun rushed over.

Pushed her away with a shoulder, then pressed straight on the controller.

"If you don't give it, I will do it myself!"

"I don't believe it anymore, can I still get what Murong Jun likes?"

Yun Si was knocked back a step.

"Hey you--"

The breeder who caught up had no time to stop it.

Seeing that Murong Jun was about to press the electric water drainage button, Yun Si's eyes froze and she directly grabbed her wrist.

Backhand twist.


The cry of pain sounded almost at the same time, echoing throughout the room.

The bones seemed to snap and were about to break.

Murong Jun's delicately made-up face twisted out of control in pain.

Being twisted by the backhand, he didn't even have the strength to resist.

The breeder finally had time to pull them away and was busy smoothing things over.

"Miss Murong, are you okay?"

"Does it matter, do you want me to help you see a doctor?"

"Yun Si!!!"

Murong Jun was supported by the breeder and was in excruciating pain. She stared at her, too angry to speak.

"What's wrong with you!?"

Yun Si twisted her wrist and looked at her indifferently.

"Miss Murong, this is not a place where you can fool around, please be sober."

Her eyes fell on the console.

"Just now you set the voltage above [-] volts. Such a strong high voltage will directly kill them all."

"What? If you can't get it, you will be destroyed?"

Murong Jun's eyes were burning, "So what?! I'm rich, so I can afford it, so it's none of your business?!"

(End of this chapter)

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