Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2044 Give you the scales

Chapter 2044 Give You the Scales (10)

Abigail seemed a little unresponsive when she heard her words.


he asks.

Yun Si looked at him and repeated it again.

"This mermaid, raise it for me."

"Send it to my house and I'll take care of it."

Abigail gave a look of disbelief.

"This—are you serious?"

"No—Miss Yun, the situation of this mermaid is a bit special, it—"

"It's okay, I'll take care of any problems."

Yun Si took a step back and leaned against the wall of the pool.

Abigail's face changed, and she quickly reached out to stop it.

"Miss Yun, be careful, don't get close—"

Before the words fell, the calm water surface fluctuated a bit.

Visible to the naked eye, the silver mermaid hiding deep in the seaweed moved.

The slightly floating tail lifted up slowly.

It seemed to be woken up.

The water surface is clear and shallow, clear and cool.

The snow-silver mermaid hiding under the coral reef is finally about to appear.

Abigail pulled Yun Si away from the pool.

"Miss Yun, don't come close!"

"This mermaid is aggressive. It is not of the same family as the green-tailed mermaid. You must not get close to the pool, especially when there is no protection like this!"

Yun Si was pulled away from the pool, frowning, "It?"

She looked at the pool that was only half the height of a person.

The water in the pool is very shallow, so shallow that even the nearly two-meter-high coral stones are exposed.

A small part of the coral stone was exposed, wet and dripping with water.

And the awakened silver-tailed mermaid just hid behind the high coral reef.

The stunningly beautiful fish tail, as bright as the moonlight swaying, reflected the soft light under the clear water.

The fish fins, as clear as a veil, stretched out, like soft transparent flower petals, slightly glowing with silver light.

It woke up and hid behind the coral reef.

A clean and white hand rested gently on the dark red coral reef.

The wet silver hair fell softly and obediently.

It seems very shy, even the tail is slightly curled up.

Behind the coral reef, only a pair of blue and clear slightly round pupils like the sea of ​​stars are exposed.

Round and round, like a simple and ignorant white cat, it looked over.

Just right, meeting Yun Si's gaze.

Its wet eyelashes trembled, and on the soft and tender face, the lips were as soft and rosy as a baby.

Just so quietly, like a docile kitten, looking at her.

The silver hair is wet, and the head seems to be slightly crooked.

It's like being cute unconsciously.

Yun Si blinked slightly.

Looking at its overly astonishing snow-white and soft appearance, he froze for a while.

Immediately, as if bewitched, he moved his steps.

Slowly, it is time to move forward and approach.

Abigail grabbed her quickly, "Miss Yun!"

Then the person who was about to go forward was pulled back again.

Suddenly come back to God.

Only then did I see that Abigail's face was serious.

"Miss Yun, this mermaid has a very powerful ability to confuse people. Don't look into its eyes, don't make eye contact with it."

It was because he was so unprepared that he killed and injured several precious researchers.

Thinking about it till now still makes my heart ache.

He said: "Miss Yun, this mermaid is really special. It is too aggressive and dangerous. It cannot be kept easily."

"If Ms. Yun likes mermaids, I can find some good green-tailed mermaids, and I will definitely deliver them to your home. Please, Ms. Yun..."

(End of this chapter)

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