Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2061 Give you the scales

Chapter 2061 Give You the Scales (27)

There is a light and sweet taste between the lips and teeth, with a strong floral fragrance.

She couldn't help but pushed him, but couldn't.

Lips are terribly numb.

It also hurt a little bit.

As if treating her like a snack.

The hand around her waist seemed to have left a mark.

But fortunately, he didn't intend to drag her underwater anymore.

The pool was very deep, but with him leaning on him, he wouldn't worry about being drowned.

The poor man who couldn't break free couldn't help hugging him a little tighter.

As if this could give her some sense of security.




Eventually, the feedings turned into weird kisses anyway.

In the end, the drenched man's limbs were frozen by the icy cold water, and his slender arms were wrapped around his body like weak dodder flowers.

Her cheeks were very red, with an abnormally hot redness.

When being carried ashore, the vicious mermaid grabbed her wrist, stared at her, and licked it.

Grinded between her wrist bones with sharp teeth.

As if marking it.

His own prey mark.

His hands were cold and he was very strong. After finally letting go of her, she retracted her hand immediately.

It was too cold.

The tip of the nose is red, from being frozen.

That evil mermaid, by the pool, stared at her with eerie blue eyes.

The cold, blood-red lips curled up slightly, with a strange and frightening arc, making one's scalp tingle.

It seems that there are still some unfinished looks.

The drenched man gave him an annoyed look.

Get up, barefoot, and run away.

The legs are slender and fair, and the little feet are pink and tender, shining brightly, catching people's eyes.

People can't move half a cent.

In that pool, the evil mermaid who likes to collect beautiful things squinted slightly.

Staring at the direction she left, it seemed that her soft and delicate touch still remained in the palm of her hand.

Fragrant, tender, and soft...

That is, a little thinner and no meat.

The mermaid, who was as beautiful as an angel, licked her own teeth unsatisfied.

The faint blue pupils sparkled with some inexplicable pleasure.

Such a beautiful person, it really whets the appetite and makes people hungry.

He looked at her back, his eyes always followed.

Until her figure disappeared, the lazy silver tail followed suit.

The water splashes suddenly.

This time, the range of splashing water is smaller.

Like, it means that you are in a good mood.




Yun Si went upstairs with her body wet.

He was in a mess, even his clothes were torn.

After taking off his clothes and looking in the mirror, he realized that his back was covered with finger marks, one after another, all left by him.

Although the sharp nails didn't scratch her, it was almost the same.

...felt like I had been raped.

Yun Si rubbed her sore waist from being hooped.

After half an hour.

After changing her clothes and drying her hair, she came to the study.

The robot downstairs was making dinner, and she was eating bread slices to satisfy her hunger while checking the detection status of the house control system.

I checked it inside and out, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It doesn't look like it's being manipulated either.

But for some reason, she faintly felt strange, but she couldn't tell.

Check the monitoring, but everything is as usual in the monitoring.

...It's really weird.

She leaned against the desk, crossed her arms, and looked around.


She couldn't find any problems, so she could only raise the house's security system to the highest level.

(End of this chapter)

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