Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2067 Give you the scales

Chapter 2067 Give You the Scales (33)

The door leading to the backyard was completely closed.

The surface of the water is rippling, but it is still as clear as it should be.




This unknown attack, until the end, did not find out where the source was and who was behind it.

Finally, after a flurry of operations, the command center finally restored its normal network and reconnected with the military.

But despite this, the center suffered heavy losses.

Dozens of missiles under development were launched on the spot because they lost control, smashing the surface of the planet aimlessly.

In this way, it is almost equivalent to the research and development funds invested before, all of which were burned in those few minutes.

All that remains is a pile of useless ruins and endless accountability.

As the main commander of the command center, Yun Si had to accept the interrogation immediately and find out the manipulator behind this incident.

She was so busy that she didn't even have time to go home.

But this matter has not been dealt with yet, another matter broke out——

Prisoner One captured from BH7687, the leader of the piranha clan, escaped.

Successfully escaped back to planet BH7687, led a group of people, and launched an unprecedented riot.

The army in front was forced to retreat in a row. In just three days, several important planetary bases had been lost.

Among them, the H24 galaxy, which is rich in mineral resources, is included.

The president was furious, and another crime was added to Yunsi's body - ineffective guarding.

If it wasn't for her being the daughter of a general, and having made military exploits before, she would have already been imprisoned by this time, and she would have to die as an apology.

After an emergency meeting of the cabinet, all strategic commanders who were carrying out missions outside were recalled.

Mobilize all firepower to deal with planet BH7687.

As for Yun Si, she was removed from all positions and imprisoned in the prison of the H5 Imperial Army.

Think about your mistakes behind closed doors, and don't go out unless you are called.

Equivalent to confinement.

And all of this was because of her father's face.




All positions, houses, permissions, funds, etc. were removed, and all were taken back.

Yun Si, who was penniless, changed into prison clothes, and was sent to prison with shackles on both hands and feet.

The cell that was responsible for detaining her was a cell that was closely monitored in all directions.

The cell is made of special metal layers, and the thickness of the walls is up to three meters.

After the door of the cell was closed, there was only a small space in the room, which was airtight.

It is cold and gives people a strong sense of suffocation.

People who are crushed here can't breathe, and will soon go crazy.

The man with shackles on his hands and feet, with his long hair loosely tied, sat on a hard bed.

The bed is connected to the iron wall, a solid bed, no mattress, not even a quilt and pillow.

Just a bed board.

Sitting on it, the inhuman temperature came in through the thin clothes, as if sticking to a blade, it was too cold.

It was shudderingly cold.

Sitting on it, she looked around with a calm expression.

The light in the cell dimmed and became dark.

Quietly, blocking the sound from the outside, the surveillance camera above the corner was facing her.

Always monitor.

She looked around and then lay down.

The bed board is very hard and cold. There is no quilt or pillow. After sleeping for a long time, it is easy to have back pain.

She lay there, resting her head on one hand, looking up at the ceiling.

He didn't say anything, just sighed softly.

There was silence.

(End of this chapter)

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