Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2069 Give you the scales

Chapter 2069 Give You the Scales (35)

Project the screen to the center of the table, where everyone can see clearly.

The light in the meeting room automatically dimmed.

All the participants looked over.

Abigail took out her laser pointer and began to explain.

"Please take a look, sirs."

On the light screen, the simulated form of a black mermaid appeared, suspended in mid-air.

360 degree rotation.

Nails are sharp, fierce and ugly.

The tail is even more hard and powerful, invulnerable and unbreakable.

Abigail pointed the laser pointer in the direction of the mermaid's tail and said:
"This is the tail of piranhas, and it is also the hardest part of their body. Through our experiments, we found that the scales on the fish tail are rich in Mycs protein sequence. Hurry up, the substance that is most resistant to laser nuclear radiation, owning it is equivalent to owning a diamond armor."

"So, this also means that our usual laser warheads are not only ineffective against them, but also stimulate their growth in reverse, and the scales become harder and firmer."

"Of course, in the current study, we also found that although they have this unique protein sequence, it also brings a fatal weakness."

The laser pointed at the mermaid's abdomen.

"This protein is produced from a special type of organ in their body - the abdominal bursa."

"The abdomen is usually located in their abdomen, which is a more vulnerable place than the head. As long as this place is destroyed, they will instantly lose all their protective capabilities and become a life form with weaker attack power than infants. "

As he spoke, the light screen flashed and a needle appeared.

The long needle pierced the abdomen of the black-tailed mermaid for live data simulation demonstration.

"To this end, we are trying to use a special drug, which we plan to inject into the piranha's body."

"Within three days, the piranha's abdomen will shrink and fall off automatically, and it will be excreted from the body."

"Without the belly bag, the Mycs protein sequence cannot be synthesized smoothly, and the scales of the piranha's tail will fall off."

"After being promoted on a large scale, it can be considered to a certain extent that they will lose all their offensive and protective capabilities, and there will be no possibility of resistance anymore."

Before he finished speaking, someone raised his hand and interrupted.

"Professor, our army can't even approach them now, injecting needles into their stomachs? Don't you think it's unrealistic?"

Professor Abigail seemed to have expected this a long time ago, manipulating the light screen, the screen changed.

The simulated sea water appeared, and the black-tailed mermaid sank in it.

He continued: "It is indeed impractical to use a needle to inject, after all, they will not wait there obediently, waiting to die."

"So, another possibility is to put the drug in the water they need to survive."

"The drug uses water as a medium to enter the body of each piranha, and the effect is the same."

Saying that, he paused.

"Of course, due to time constraints and the fact that live mermaid samples in the laboratory are too rare, further experiments are still needed for the research on the efficacy of the medicine."

"Whether there is a drug effect, and how much the effect can be magnified, these conclusions are still in the experimental stage."

It means that this method is in the experimental period.

Whether it is useful or not will take time.

A certain amount of time and live samples.

(End of this chapter)

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