Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2073 Give you the scales

Chapter 2073 Give You the Scales (39)

He was wearing a hazmat suit, and through a mask, he didn't reveal anything.

He just looked her up and down, and asked endlessly:

"Now there is an opportunity in front of you. I don't know, are you willing to be loyal to the country?"

"..." She frowned, "What?"

Mr. President, in special protective clothing, took out a paper document from the officer's hand and handed it to her.

"You're not reconciled to being locked up here, are you?"

Yun Si glanced at him and took it.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the document, and he quickly scanned it.

"Now, there is a task for you to complete."

He said through the protective suit.

"If you can complete it smoothly, then all previous mistakes can be written off."

"What do you think?"

"..." She saw the last line and raised her eyes to look at him.

"You want me to go to the command center of the Western Military Region?"

She didn't know that the Western Military Region had fallen.

Now there, it has become a paradise for piranhas and a hell for humans.

Mr. President nodded and made a gesture of please.

"Your position has been temporarily transferred there. If necessary, we will notify you of the specific content of the task."

Meaning, go now.

Let's talk about the follow-up arrangements.

On the corner of the wall, the surveillance camera was obviously turned off at that moment, and it was pitch black.

But for some reason, it flickered strangely again.

The monitoring system was restarted, and all the pictures were recorded in it.

Yun Si has a strong sense, and when she sensed that someone was peeping, she immediately swept over.

His eyes fell on the monitor.

Mr. President thought she was worried about the surveillance issue, so he said, "You don't have to worry about this, the surveillance has been turned off."

"As long as you want, you can leave here now and set off at any time."

"..." She raised her eyebrows slightly, suspiciously.


How does she feel, is it okay?

Mr. President raised his hand, and a picture was displayed on the chest of the robot standing aside.

"Monitoring is off."

"..." Yun Si didn't speak any more.

Weighed for a moment.

In fact, it was not unbearable for her to be locked up here.

Apart from being a little boring, there is no harm in anything else.

It's just that she wants to know his news.

She has been locked up here, her news is too closed, and she has no way to get any news about him.

I don't know...he's doing well.

She weighed it for two seconds.

Immediately, he accepted the paperwork and saluted.

"Please rest assured, Mr. President, and promise to complete the task."

Only then did Mr. President show a knowing smile.

"The Empire trusts you, Commander Yun."

He stood up and patted her on the shoulder.

It was as if he had placed high hopes on her.

Yun Si lowered her head slightly, "Yes."




After untiing the electronic shackles, the weight of the body was reduced a lot.

Yun Si had a rare bath and changed out of her prison uniform.

When she came out after washing, she realized that the sky outside the prison seemed to have changed.

Everyone was wearing airtight protective clothing and gas masks, walking around in a hurry.

There are non-stop battle reports ahead, the sound of sirens, and drones roaring across the sky.

One after another, the wind and sand blowing on the ground was so great that it was almost deafening.

When she walked out of the prison gate, she was the only one around without protective clothing.

She was watched by the robot and led into a flying machine.

There was an explosion in the distance, and the radio broadcast in the aircraft sizzled.

(End of this chapter)

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