Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 2079 Give you the scales

Chapter 2079 Give You the Scales (45)

Almost laughed out loud.

She coughed lightly, raised her hand, and covered her lips.

Block the arc you want to go up.


She suppressed her expression of wanting to laugh and moved closer to him.

Leaning closer, his hand rested lightly on his clenched fist.

Her clear eyes with a slight smile met him.

The red lips are slightly hooked, and the voice is soft.

"Why? I've fulfilled your wish, aren't you happy?"

In order to go home, didn't he sneak into her study?

She messed around, even without her knowing, making all kinds of troubles.

Isn't it all because he wants to go home?
He stared at her coldly and didn't speak.

A little closer, the breath came from her body.

The breath of the two people intertwined and melted in such a small space.

The air here is thin and eerie.

But after she approached, the temperature of the air seemed to rise.

Somewhat warm.

It's a bit dry and hot.

Especially for a mermaid whose body is always cold, the difference in temperature is even more obvious.

His eyes darkened a little.

He stared at her deeply, dangerously and strangely.

She smiled and looked at him.

A good half a sound passed.

He looked away suddenly.

Looked elsewhere again.

Do not speak, still quiet.

The clenched fist seemed to loosen a bit.

Under her hands, she could feel it immediately.

She smiled slightly.

Looking at his fair and beautiful face from a close distance, his lips are as red as petals.

Even though it was still cold and without a trace of relaxation, looking at it like this, it was still astonishingly beautiful.

It tickles people's hearts.

She watched, bit by bit, getting closer.

The warm breath that was so close was sprinkled on his face.

He turned his face and didn't look at her.

No reaction, but no resistance either.

With a cold face, he was extraordinarily quiet.




When the soft and floral touch covered her, his loose fist on his knee suddenly tightened.

Tighten and loosen, loosen and tighten.

His eyes fell elsewhere, staring fixedly at the ground.

She kissed the corner of his lips, gently, just sticking.

In a narrow corner, in the thin air, or between two people who are too close to each other.

She drooped her eyelashes slightly, trembling slightly, at first, she just pressed them gently.

Later, after feeling his non-rejection, she slowly stroked his face.

Carefully, like a small animal, take the initiative.

Actively pester him.

His gaze returned to her face.

Very close, so close that you can clearly see the fine and soft down on her cheeks.

Soft and fragrant, very active.

Proactively express your liking to him.

He has read human books and knows that this is a way for humans to express liking.

I don't know why this is so, but...

The person who rarely took the initiative was suddenly suppressed by a backhand.

Caught off guard, the gurgling and calm atmosphere turned into a violent storm.

His fierce and intense kiss covered it.

Like a savage beast, it has no rules at all, it gnaws and bites.

Fix her so that she can't run away even if she wants to.

The young man with the hunter's brutal gene flowing in his bones, after he took the initiative, it was almost—


Don't know how to be gentle, don't know when enough is enough, let alone restraint.

Knows nothing but looting.

Grab all the things you like and miss.

The plunder was wiped out, and there was nothing left.

(End of this chapter)

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