Chapter 2101 Willingly (7)

Standing aside, the prime minister and the prime minister's wife, who had been worrying about him, looked at each other and looked at each other again.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they seemed to let go of a hanging heart a little bit.

They know their youngest son too well and know his temperament.

If he really doesn't want to, I'm afraid the worship will not be so smooth.

If you really want to make trouble, you can also make this kiss into a turmoil and completely stir up pornography.

They were worried before that if he really made a fuss and angered the Empress, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But now—

Fortunately, he is still sensible, and he did not do anything inappropriate under such an occasion where everyone is watching.

The worship ended smoothly, and the empress was also very happy.

None of the dire consequences occurred.

They smiled in relief and applauded.




The delicate young master was soon sent to the bridal chamber.

He was accompanied by the matchmaker and the servant who had served him since he was a child.

In the spacious and bright wedding room, the incense burner is lit with a faint fragrance of pear blossom and sandalwood.

The red candles of dragon and phoenix are lit, and there are high piles of peanuts, longan, and various pastries on the table.

After entering the backyard, the bustle of the front yard can no longer be heard.

The backyard is very quiet, only a few maids walking back and forth with gift boxes, extremely busy.

After entering the bridal chamber, the door was closed, and the matchmaker stood guard outside.

There was only one servant named Xia Lin who was embarrassed and looked outside with a nervous expression.

"Young master, are you okay? Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

The little boy, who was still wearing a fox fur cloak and covered his red hijab, moved a bit.

Subconsciously, she wanted to lift off the obtrusive red hijab.

Xia Lin looked at it and quickly stopped: "Young master! You can't do this. It's unlucky for the general to lift the hijab yourself."

The little boy who had never obeyed the rules froze.

It seems a little depressed and irritable.

"Where are there so many rules? I'm hungry! How can I eat with this covered?"

He was very delicate and couldn't stand any grievances.

The voice was soft, even if it was a complaint, it could not help but carry a bit of annoyance.

Xia Lin opened her mouth, wanting to explain.

But before he could speak, he saw his extremely casual young master put down his hands.

No more flipping.

He was verbally unhappy, but unexpectedly complied.

Like a tsundere kitten, it looks fierce, but it is still very obedient.

do not know why.

Xia Lin was stunned.

Usually, the young master would not be so disciplined, why today...

"What are you doing in a daze? I'm hungry!"

He clutched his stomach, and his tone became fiercer.

"Go get me some snacks, I want to eat!"

After tossing all day, he is going to starve to death!
Xia Lin immediately withdrew her thoughts, "Okay, okay, young master, please wait first, Xia Lin will go now."

After all, he turned around and ran out.

The door opened and closed.

In the room, only the delicate and domineering young master was left.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, covered with a red hijab, clutching his empty stomach, bowing his head.

He quietly looked at his palm.

The melted sugar was gone, and he hadn't eaten it.

The little boy pursed his lips, lowered his head, and his beautiful eyelashes trembled.

Staring at the palm of my hand, the sugar stains on it are still red and sticky.

It also exudes an inexplicable fragrance.

Like her scent.

It's sweet and smells very good.

He stared at it for a while, then slowly retracted his fingertips.

(End of this chapter)

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