Chapter 2107 Willingly (13)

She slowly lifted the thin red hijab.

Under the slightly dim and ambiguous pearl light, in the bright red and festive room, in the sound of his stopped breathing.

The hijab was finally lifted by the right person.

The little boy's blushing and hot face was completely exposed to the light.

He is very beautiful, a beauty that conforms to the aesthetics of today's society.

The brows and eyes are soft and beautiful, the eyeballs are a little light in color, but they are extraordinarily moist, as moist as the eyes of a deer.

Extremely clean and inviting.

Maybe it was because the wedding dress was too red, or maybe it was because the curtains on the bed made the light too dark, so his face was very red.

In the broken and beautiful snow-white, there is a strange pink hotness, like the peach petals that have just opened their petals, the clear white, and the tips of the petals are indeed the shy pink.

Slightly curled up and restrained, shy.

Her wet eyes stared straight at her, and her red lips were moist.

Still like a child, a childish child.

She saw bewilderment and shyness in his eyes.

Nervous shyness.

Both ears were red, redder than the most beautiful rose.

Like a shy bunny.

The corners of her lips rose slightly.

Reach out and gently stroke his face.

There was a soft and delicate touch, accompanied by a scalding temperature that could not be concealed.

He seemed to be shocked, and shrank back like an electric shock.

Her hand was immediately empty.

"you you you--"

He was so nervous that his voice was stuttering.

He was breathing heavily, and his heart was beating almost like crazy.

In a monstrous and embarrassing emotion, his hands were propped on his sides, tightening and relaxing, relaxing and tightening.

He obviously didn't drink, but his mind was completely blank.

I can't even speak clearly.

This time, it was the shy and frightened little rabbit.

She looked at him, her hands were empty, and the smile in her eyes was slightly deep.

Seeing his reaction, she straightened up without saying anything.

Put the red hijab aside.

"It's getting late, go to bed."

After drinking, her voice became softer and softer.

rustling, stained with intoxicating drunkenness.

The tone is light, but the tone is inexplicably provocative.

Like a wolf with a big tail and malicious intentions.

Where is the innocent young master her opponent, he stood up immediately.

"No no no—OK!"

"I... I... I'm not sleepy yet!"

He was stuttering, only feeling very hot all over, and also very thirsty.

Probably because he was too nervous, he didn't know where to put his hands now, and he didn't dare to look at her at all.

As if in the last struggle, his eyes fell on the tea table indiscriminately.

"...Yes! Yes! I'm thirsty, I want to drink water."

As if he wanted to convince her, he walked quickly to the tea table.

Pour water.

The fingertips of the hands protruding from the cloak were trembling.

It symbolizes that he is not calm at the moment, almost flustered like a little rabbit.

Yun Si, who was about to undress, turned around and looked over.

Originally, I just took a casual look and frowned when I saw what he was drinking.

"That's wine, don't—"

But it was too late, he drank.

And drank several large glasses.

"..." It's over.

The wine was different from ordinary wine, it added——

Add to the fun.

She suddenly felt a headache.

The still stupid young master looked over blankly after drinking.

The eyeballs are even more wet, wet and seductively tight.

"What... what's wrong?"

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be still thirsty, and licked his lips unsatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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