Chapter 2113 Willingly (19)

His eyeballs were wet and his ears were red and soft after being teased.

The whole body is hot, with hot and tempting steam.

She left, and he seemed to remember to breathe.

Gulp, breathe.

Clutching his beating heart that was beating like crazy.

Embarrassed and shy, with pitiful red eyes.

"Bad...bad guy."

He wrapped himself in a quilt, his voice was very low and a little sandy.

Softly, biting her lip slightly, the tips of her ears were red.

Looking at the direction outside the bed curtain, he stretched out his hand again and touched the place she touched just now.

The thick and beautiful eyelashes hang down, hiding the shyness and softness in the eyes.

The corners of his lips seemed to be slightly pursed.

There was still some residual warmth from her body in the quilt, as well as the faint fragrance of flowers.

He lay quietly for a while.

Then, as if thinking of something, his head was buried in the quilt all at once.

Limbs curled up, blocking his hot face.

"...bad... scoundrel..."

He huddled in the position where she had been lying, covering his red and soft face.

Forcibly letting go of the memories that flashed in my mind.

Like a little flower that just had sex, tremblingly, extremely ashamed.

Even the tips of the petals curled up in shame.

Always ashamed, always ashamed.

Not too boring.




It was past noon when Xia Lin was called.

Outside the sun was shining brightly, illuminating the pine trees in the courtyard.

Xia Lin stood guard at the door, and when she heard her young master's summons, she quickly got up, opened the door and went in.

The aroma in the room is gone, but there is still a faint fragrance in the air.

When Xia Lin came in, before he had time to do anything, he saw that his young master had already got up and put on his clothes.

Plain white padded jacket, loose snow velvet cape.

With disheveled hair, sitting in front of the dressing table, combing.

Her white and soft cheeks were pink, and the tips of her ears were slightly tinged with an abnormal crimson color.

The brows and eyes are soft, the eyes are clean and moist, with an unknowing sense of spring.

Compared with before getting married, it seems that something has changed invisibly.

Become more gentle, but also more amazing.

His eyebrows are shy.

Xia Lin stared blankly.

"Gong... son?"

The delicate young man caught a glimpse of him, snorted, and put down the comb, his voice soft and rustling.

"Why did you come here? Where is the general?"

Xia Lin hurried over.

"The general went out and told the little one to serve you well."

The little boy curled his red lips, and he didn't even realize that he started to care about her.

His tone was a little fierce.

"Where did she go?"

Xia Lin hesitated for a moment, "This... I don't even know the little one."

"The general just said to let you take a good rest, and the other... didn't say anything."

The sensitive little boy was quiet for a few seconds, then he snorted as if he didn't care.

He stopped talking, picked up the comb, and continued to comb his hair.

He doesn't care where she likes to go.

The little boy thought fiercely.

He doesn't care at all.

Xia Lin didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing him brushing his hair, he just stretched out his hand and said, "Master, come here, little one."

"Need not."

The little boy didn't even look back, "I'm hungry."

Xia Lin immediately agreed: "The little one goes to the kitchen to deliver the meal now."

The little boy didn't speak, still combing his hair with downcast eyes.

Xia Lin could see that he seemed to be in a bad mood again, although he didn't know why.

He didn't ask any more questions, and after a salute, he withdrew.

According to his intention, go to the kitchen to pass the meal.

(End of this chapter)

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