Chapter 2116 Willingly (22)

Yun Si waved her hands, passed him, and came to the door of the bedroom.


There was a faint sound of whimpering in the room, sobbing, one sound, another sound.

Like a wronged kitten, I don't know how much bullying I have suffered.

Hearing her voice, the sobbing sound inside seemed to stop for a moment.

Immediately, the whimpering turned into a low whining cry.

The crying became louder, very hoarse, unbelievably hoarse.

Obviously had been crying for a long time.

His eyes must be swollen from crying.

Yun Si's eyes darkened slightly.

"Xiaoqing, open the door."


Still crying.

The crying grew louder and gradually turned into howling.

In front of servants outside, I don't even want face.

As if to vent all the grievances.

Yun Si stood at the door and gave Xia Lin a cold look.

Xia Lin hurriedly said: "General, it's not a small matter. It wasn't like this when you first woke up. You were quite happy when you first woke up at noon..."

"Then why?"

"...Young one doesn't know, General." Xia Lin cried, "The young master called the young one in, and he hasn't said a few words yet, the young master seems to be upset..."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything...My lord, I just said—" Xia Link paused.

"The little one is just relaying your words to the young master, saying that you want the young master to rest well..."

"Oh yes, the young master also asked, where have you been... The younger one said... that he didn't know..."

He really didn't know, she didn't tell him when she went out.

Wanting to go out to the military camp was also a whim.

Because he was afraid that she would be uncomfortable at home.

Thinking of her going out and not staying in the general's mansion, he would be more comfortable and less restrained.

Yun Si took a deep breath.

"Go down first, and prepare dinner first."

"That boy..."

"I'll handle it, you go down first."

Xia Lin subconsciously looked at the butler.

The butler nodded slightly.

Xia Lin had no choice but to say: "Yes, my lord."

After a salute, he stepped back.




The door of the room was tightly closed, and the latch was buckled backwards, even if pushed, it would not open.

Listening to the crying inside, Yun Si kicked without hesitation——


The latch snapped right off.

The two doors broke open from the middle, and slammed on both sides violently, hitting heavily, making a shocking clang.

It was as if the whole house shook and trembled.

The cold outside came in through the broken door, directly blowing away the heating inside.

The cold wind howled, and the light outside illuminated the already dark room inside.

The little boy who was sobbing on the bed stopped crying when he heard such a loud noise.

Then, blankly, looked over.

It's just that before he could see clearly, he was hugged.

He was hugged by a hug that came out of nowhere, and pressed into the cold, desolate and fragrant embrace.

The little boy with tears all over his face was completely stunned.

"what happened?"

In the slightly dim room, she hugged him and gently rubbed his head.

The voice was low, soft and warm.

Crisp and rustling, very unique voice.

When it is gentle, it can easily make people's ears red.

Very lethal.

The little boy, who had been wronged alone for a long time, leaned against her arms, sniffed and didn't speak.

The beautiful eyes are already red and swollen.

Wet tears stained his eyelashes, and the corners of his eyes were scratched, red and bloodshot.

(End of this chapter)

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