Chapter 2126 Willingly (32)

As soon as I stood outside, I could feel the invisible cold burrowing into the cotton-padded clothes.

It was chilly, piercing straight to the bone.

Freezing my heart.

After the young master was full, the housekeeper began to report to him about the situation in the mansion.

Including the number of servants in the mansion, the accounts of the accounting room, and the fields and shops involved in the name of the general's mansion.

Logically speaking, these should be handed over to the male master of the mansion.

He lost his temper earlier, so he never had time.

Now that I am in a better mood, I started to try to take over.

Although, I didn't understand anything at first.




The young master was sitting in the study, flipping through the ledger sent by the housekeeper.

Turning over, looking outside from time to time.

Although he didn't say anything, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was waiting for her.

Wait for her to come back.

The housekeeper saw it and said, "Young master, the general should be back soon, don't worry."

"The old slave has already sent someone to guard the door. If the general returns, he will notify you as soon as possible."

The young master sat on the chair at the desk, his face blushed when he heard this, he didn't expect his thoughts to be discovered.

Subconsciously, he didn't even think about it, he argued, a little fierce.

"Who... who said I'm worried about her, I'm not worried about her!"

"She...she will come back when she likes, I...I don't care!"

Really still like a child, it's really awkward to be awkward.

He had a stern face, with a deliberate indifference.

Think others can't see it.

The butler listened, laughing inwardly.

See through, don’t say through.

"Yes, son."

She didn't refute.

It is what the owner says it is.

The young master snorted ferociously, and flipped through the ledger casually.

Flipping to the front, I just glanced at it casually.

Then, suddenly stopped.


He looked at this page, pursed his lips slightly, and turned it again.

Turned over dozens of pages.

The butler stood at the desk, watched, and explained.

"My son, this is the betrothal gift prepared by the general before you and the general got married. It was all counted and sent to the prime minister's residence."

"But after you got married, the prime minister put these betrothal gifts in your dowry and returned together, so these shops and mansions are all listed under your name."


So much, is she trying to turn herself into a pauper?

The young master closed the ledger and threw it back.


"I don't want it, I'll go back."

The butler was taken aback, "Master, these are all your dowry, why... return it?"

The little boy raised his chin, "Give it to her, I don't want it."

"This..." The housekeeper showed hesitation, "My lord, a man's dowry can't be touched easily."

"If you are wronged in the future, these dowry can also help you..."

"Are you cursing me?"

The little boy suddenly turned cold, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

"You mean, she will betray her heart?"

When the butler heard this, he immediately denied it: "No, no, young master, this old slave didn't mean that. This old slave definitely didn't mean to curse young master."

"The old slave was just—just—"

"My lord, you should understand the painstaking efforts of the prime minister. If your lord knows that you gave all the dowry to the general, I'm afraid—"

"Hmph, I don't care what she thinks."

The little boy is spoiled and overbearing, and he can do whatever he wants.

Just do what you want, don't care about anything else.

He picked up another thick ledger, which recorded his dowry.

(End of this chapter)

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