Chapter 2132 Willingly (38)

The general with his eyes closed did not speak, but patted him on the back lightly.

Coax him to sleep like he has done to her countless times.





The effect of embracing a lover is extremely obvious, the general fell asleep before he could put her little husband to sleep.

By his side, she was always used to letting go of all her defenses.

Once you relax your body and mind, you will naturally fall asleep faster.

After a while, she fell asleep.

The little husband who was still awake and not sleepy was left.

Buried in her arms, very quiet.

As if listening to her heartbeat.

As if knowing that she was fast asleep, he gently raised his face and looked straight at her.

The line of sight was finally unobstructed.

He loves to watch her, he's always known.

I don't know why, but...

He loved being so close to her, so close.

Close enough to do a lot with ease.


He looked at her quietly, his soft and beautiful eye feathers trembling.

Like a small animal approaching its owner, first approach and stare.

Then, tentatively, leaned in.

Get closer.

Because I like it, I suddenly, superficially, pecked it.

Peck her face, then quickly back away.

Buried back into her warm embrace, her ears were red.

As if he had done something bad, he was very guilty.

Afraid of waking her up, let her know.

It's just a soft and timid little rabbit.

The skin is too thin.

Obviously, they are husband and wife, so there is nothing wrong with doing this kind of thing.

After sneaking a kiss, he retracted and waited for a while.

She didn't move.

Apparently, it wasn't woken up.

It's probably because he in many worlds used to love to play tricks too much, he always liked to kiss her when she was asleep and play hooliganism.

Therefore, she has developed a good habit of being able to tolerate harassment.

As long as it's not too much, she won't wake up.

She slept very soundly.

The little husband who was buried in her arms seemed to have noticed this habit too, after being quiet for a while, he boldly raised his head again.

Reaching out cautiously, he poked her cheek.

Soft and warm.

He stared, staring at her reaction.

...Obviously, still not awake.

He blinked.

This time, he became more daring.

Eyeballs were wet and bright, staring at her without blinking.

Began to touch her face carefully.

eyes, nose, mouth...

Somehow, everything looked so to his liking.

No matter how I look at it, I think it looks good, but I always feel that I can’t get enough of it.

The more I look at it, the more I feel...

His heart was swollen and full, as if something was about to overflow, filling his chest cavity and rushing up his throat.

It gave him an inexplicable impulse, extreme excitement, eagerness, and nervous tension.

I always want to do something to vent the anger in my heart.

It feels like it's getting more and more full, like a sleeping volcano, frantically looking for an exit, just waiting to erupt.

The little husband, who still didn't know how to be happy, just stared at his wife-lord without blinking, the light in his eyes was very bright, so bright that it was scorching hot.

He stared at her for a long time, and finally, listening to her breathing, he approached her gently.

The lips were covered, with a little embarrassment that made the ears turn red.

Carefully stick to it, gently rubbing.

For the first time, so proactive.

In the silent night, outside everyone's dreams.

Try hard, hold your breath, and suppress the sound of your heart beating like a drum.

(End of this chapter)

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