Chapter 2150 Willingly (57)

The housekeeper standing beside him seemed to know what he was thinking, walked over and lowered his voice.

"Young master, don't worry, the kitchen will prepare dinner."

"..." The little boy gave her a fierce look, like a cat whose fur has exploded after being irritated.

Is this all he cares about?

What he cared about was Si Si, and he wanted to wait for her when she came back.

He doesn't want to enter the palace now, he wants to finish what he is doing and wait for her to come back.

His eyes were fierce, and his temper was still very bad.

Don't look at him being soft and obedient in front of Yun Si on weekdays.

But after changing the person, changing the object, it is not the same.

Fierce and arrogant, he still has the posture of a delicate and domineering young master, who doesn't care what the other party thinks at all.

Very indifferent.

Even facing the will of Empress Feng Jun, even facing the people who came from the palace.

He snorted and said no to going.

Throw the edict back.

Lifting her white chin, her tone was domineering.

"Another day, you go and tell my brother that I'm very busy, so I'll visit the palace another day."

When Si Si is free someday, he will go with her again.

His thoughts are very random, completely according to his own ideas.

A spoiled, reckless look.

The eunuch was stunned, and so was the housekeeper.

Not knowing where the tacit understanding came from, they looked at each other.

Each of them saw the astonishment and disbelief in each other's eyes.

The eunuch was at a loss as to what to do with the imperial edict from Empress Feng Jun, na na.

" lord, this is... an order from Mrs. Feng..."

The noble young master didn't even look at him, and sat back on the desk chair, humming.

"so what?"

"He's my brother. Could it be that he wants to kill me?"

Completely reckless.

Relying on the love of his mother's family, relying on Fengjun's status as the younger brother, he doesn't follow the rules at all.

With this confidence, and this qualification.

"..." The eunuch opened his mouth, speechless by his outrageous theory.

The edict that was thrown away was in his hands like a hot potato.

The little boy is spoiled, and his family background is still there.

The mother is the prime minister, the elder brother is the first Fengjun, and the wife is the general who holds the military power in the dynasty.

No matter which one, he can be protected.

At this moment, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

"...No, sir... son..."

He couldn't speak.

"Ms. Feng Jun has no other intentions. She just wants to catch up with you and have a chat. Why don't you save face..."


Fierce, not giving any room for maneuver.

The eunuch was so choked that he couldn't say a word for a long time.

The arrogant and unreasonable young master didn't raise his head, "Nurse, see off the guests."


Sure enough, if the general is not around, the young master will mess around.

No one can control him except the general.

Unfortunately, the general is not here yet.

The housekeeper had no choice but to resign himself to sending the poor eunuch out.

Even the edict was returned together.

The eunuch was sent to the door, complaining endlessly, and forcefully thrust the hot edict into her hands.

"Mommy, just be accommodating and persuade your young master."

"It's disrespectful to resist the decree..."

If you really want to count it, you will be beheaded.

The housekeeper also had a helpless face and pushed back.

(End of this chapter)

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