Chapter 2156 Willingly (63)

The General jumped off the horse and handed over the reins to his servants.

The little rabbit hugged him immediately.

He hugged her waist, sticking and rubbing.

The tone was soft, with some complaints.

"Why did you come back so late? The food is going to be cold."

He has been waiting for her, he will not eat until she comes back, he must wait for her to come back.

Very stubborn.

Don't listen to anyone.

The general embraced him with one hand.

"Sorry, there is something that has been delayed."

She apologized in a low voice, and he snorted and rubbed her neck.


"I can barely forgive you, don't do this next time."

It seems that he is not easy to speak, but in fact he is very easy to speak.

Complaining is just complaining, and he can't bear to blame her.

Yun Si curled her lips slightly, hugged him, and walked inside.

"What did you do today? Are you good?"

Really treat him like a child.

The milky little son, holding her, is extremely dependent on her.

"I'm not bad, I've always been obedient."

Always listened to her.

Under the cold wind, the two of them walked in, only to hear her laugh and pinch his face wickedly.

"That's good, keep it up."

Obedient children are peace of mind.

He pursed his lips slightly, his face was soft and his red lips were tender.

He grabbed her hand and held on, clinging to her breath.

"Then I want a reward."

The kid looks innocent, but is actually very shrewd.

He took care of the accounting expenses in the mansion in an orderly manner, and also handled the daily affairs well.

She doesn't need to worry about anything, she just needs to give him something sweet.

A little bit of sweetness, he will be very happy, and then, full of energy.

His beautiful clean eyes stared at her brightly, like a cat begging for candy.

Stretch out your claws and ask for sweetness.

A little bit of sweetness.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked around at the servants who were not far away.

His skin is getting thicker, and he won't blush just by holding hands like in the beginning.

Now, in front of all the servants, he can completely ignore her and cling to her intimately.

Without blushing or heartbeat, you can still be cheeky and ask her for sweets with your tender face up.

Very blushing, sweet.

She touched her jaw with her tongue and clicked her tongue.

The little ones are soft and very cute.

Looking at her with such an expression, it's really...

She put her hand loosely on his waist for an instant.

Somewhat harshly, she pinched the soft flesh around his waist.

His body froze, and he seemed to be sensitive to what was touched.

As if being molested by a bully, he subconsciously hugged her tightly, his body becoming weak uncontrollably.

The heat on the cheeks finally went up, soft, and a thin layer of pale pink appeared on the cheeks.

Like the rosy clouds in the sky, light red, beautiful and clear white.

Leaning softly on her body, pursing her lips slightly, her soft and milky voice became softer.

"Si Si..."

This time, with a hint of hoarseness.


The general lowered his eyes and smiled.

"Hey, let's eat first?"

She likes this world, which allows her to do whatever she wants with him.

The child is good, and the control can be returned to her at any time.

This feeling is very good.

she likes.

The kid was quiet for a while and nodded.

Really good.

Although I want it, I still have to eat first.

She can't go hungry.

Thinking of this, he hugged her tightly and buried his face in her arms.

She is a sweet and warm bunny.

(End of this chapter)

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