Chapter 2179 Soul (14)

It was her fault that she didn't check again to see if there was any poor little one nearby who had been missed.

Little Poor followed her all the way, with small arms and legs, it must be difficult to go down the mountain alone.

She also let him take a bath alone, it was just...

Yun Si fondled his dirty head and led him into the bathroom.

"Little treasure, I promise I won't do this in the future, forgive my sister, okay?"

The limp little poor man didn't respond.

He just quietly grabbed her hand, lowered his head, and obediently followed her in while being aggrieved.

It is not suitable for small feet to wear on adults' slippers, and they will always be dragged.

But he still tried his best to wear it, keeping up with her footsteps, stained with dirty mud, his cheeks were white and soft.

Although it was a little too pale, the little face was so beautiful, like a delicate doll in a cupboard.

It makes people pitiful, and makes people overflow with motherly love.

Yun Si was confused by his overly harmless appearance, so she didn't think much about it.

Pull him into the bathroom, squat down, and help him undress.

Take a shower, wash your head, apply bubbles, and rub it all over.

Although it is physical work, she still washes very seriously.

The little pitiful is also good, with his head down, quietly cooperating with her.

She does whatever she asks, raises her arm when asked to raise her arm, closes her eyes when told to close her eyes.

In addition to occasionally sniffing, expressing some emotions.

For the rest, it's easy to worry about.

It's much more worry-free than a certain cub outside.

Yun Si sighed inwardly, feeling emotional and complicated.

The scrubbing action became gentler, subconsciously, wanting to treat him better.




Soon, the dirty little oil bottle turned into a white and clean little angel.

Put on the clean clothes that Yun Si had prepared long ago, and dry her wet hair.

In an instant, the little dirty ghost turned into a delicate and beautiful doll.

Although his face was still pale, limp and without warmth.

But maybe it was because his eyes were too soft, looking at her with expectation and dependence.

It was wet, which suppressed the cold and permeating feeling between his eyebrows and eyes a little.

It doesn't look so weird anymore, it's much more pleasing to the eye.

The whole body is white and soft, and exudes a fragrant fragrance of shower gel.

Standing obediently, waiting for her to wipe his hair.

Looks like an angel.

An overly worry-free little angel.

Seeing his small appearance, Yun Si couldn't help it for a while, and leaned over to kiss him.

Thick-skinned, like an old hooligan.

Relying on the kid's ignorance, he took advantage of him.

Although just once.

It's still just a face kiss.

After being kissed suddenly, he was empty, only the whites of his eyes moved slightly.

His gaze seemed to fall on her lips.

Be still.

She is very gentle, the curve of her lips is slightly curved, very red and soft.

Like the most delicious flower petals, with her indescribable aroma, rich and warm.

Hot as fire.


"..." There was no emotion in his empty eye sockets.

It seems to be indifferent, but also seems to be hidden very deeply.

Almost imperceptibly.

She was helping him wipe his wet hair, but he was silent and unmoving.

Feeling her gentle movements, as well as the deadly and pleasant smell on her body.

After a few minutes.

Hair dried.

The little angel also moved suddenly.

Step forward.

Before she could react, she closed her eyes and leaned closer.


with intimacy.

(End of this chapter)

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