Chapter 2200 Soul (35)

Under the intimidation of A Yang's tough fist, not to mention hooligans, not many men passed by.

Those who came were all women who came to buy cheongsams.

When he came, he carefully avoided Ayang, not daring to get too close to him.

And Ayang ignored them, humming and humming and finished all the physical work that needed to be done in the store.

Move goods, move buckets, move express.

He is strong and energetic, and he doesn't feel tired when doing anything except studying.

Although the brain is a bit stupid and the memory is a bit poor, but he is obedient.

Not going around causing trouble.

When I have nothing to do, I will move a small bench and give Yunsi a squeeze on her legs and shoulders.

Is a very good coolie, will not let himself idle at all.

The owner of the clothing store next to him was very envious.

I envy Yun Si for having such a good distant brother.

As for Awen, ever since he learned the basic techniques of making cheongsams, he began to help Yunsi silently.

Wen Jing, pale and clean, wearing a white T-shirt, basically doesn't speak, but treats people very politely.

The girls who come to the store like him very much.

They all want to talk to him.

He is also tall, although he looks exactly the same as A Yang, but his temperament is completely different from A Yang.

The eyebrows and eyes are clean, cool and gentle.

He speaks slowly, neither warm nor dry.

Gives a very comfortable feeling.

Sometimes when I stand quietly by the side, I don't speak.

But he knew what Yun Si wanted, and he took the initiative to bring it for her.

He even served her water and wiped the table for her.

Totally a perfect lover, in the eyes of the girls in the small town.

Many people were secretly asking Yun Si about his family situation.

As the hostess of this shop, Yun Si has heard countless times of praise.

It's all Kwaawin's.

When measuring the size of a girl, the girl blushed and glanced at A Wen from time to time.

Visibly excited.

Even when Yun Si was measuring her bust, it happened that Awen came out from the curtain of the inner room, holding iced bean paste for cooling off the heat.

The girl's face blushed even more.

Grab Yun Si's hand and hold her down.

"Wait... wait a minute, it's a bit tight."

Meaning, the bust size is even bigger.

"..." Yun Damei raised her eyes flatly.

There was no surprise on his face anymore.

This is the third girl who said Le today, every time in front of A Wen.

She glanced at Awen.

Awen sat on her usual chair with ice bean paste.

Quietly, as if not hearing their conversation, there was no reaction.

Just feeling her gaze, his blank eyes rolled.

Look over and meet her eyes.

He showed her a gentle smile, his eyes slightly curved, and his lips were light red.

Then, stand up slowly.

Still looks like an angel, still very good.

Little is known about the physical differences between men and women.

Yun Si put away the ruler and walked over.

Quickly write down the measurements you just took in your record book.

Then, took the bowl in his hand.

"Okay, let's see off the guests."

She took advantage of the situation and sat on the chair with her legs crossed, her long thin white legs dangling.

Lazily, he lifted his chin slightly.

On the palm-sized face, the broken hair was hanging down, and the eyes were clear and casual.

As usual, it was arranged for him to see off the guests again.

Because I know that he is best at dismissing female guests.

(End of this chapter)

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