Chapter 2202 Soul (37)

Yun Si took another mouthful of bean paste and fed it to him.

"You're really not angry anymore?"

He opened his mouth quietly and raised his eyes.

The soft and light-colored eyelashes trembled slightly in the shadows.

Then, a faint smile appeared.

He looked very cute, shaking his head.

Said not to be angry.

He has emotions occasionally, but once she coaxes him, he will be fine soon.

Very worry-free.


Seeing his innocent look, Yun Si felt relieved.

He raised his head and glanced in the direction outside the store, seeing that the girl hadn't left yet, so while she wasn't paying attention, he quickly moved over and kissed him.

This time, he took the initiative to kiss the corner of his mouth.

The speed was so fast that before she could feel it well, she left.

The well-behaved and gentle Awen settled down.

The strength of his hands increased for a moment.

In the next second, A Yang, who was sitting in the back room and staring at the TV without blinking, looked outside.

As if I sensed something.

Put down the remote control and get up.

Such a big man, walking like a landslide, only wearing a white vest, showing large muscles.

He lifted the curtain that isolated the inner room and walked out.

In the small shop, when he appeared, when he was not smiling, he was sullen.

The overly oppressive feeling makes the air feel a lot thinner.

Some couldn't breathe, and didn't even dare to look at them.

The girls who were still staying outside the shop ran away when they saw him coming out.

No one dared to stay longer.

Afraid of being beaten.

Ayangzi is rude and has a violent temper.

The words "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade" have never been in the dictionary.

He came out with a single vest, like a wolf, and glanced around the outside surlyly.

There were no outsiders, so he closed the shop's curtain.

Then, as usual, he walked to Yun Si's side.

Domineering like a black bear, hugging her domineeringly.

He is tall and strong, but he has no self-knowledge.

Just like when she was a child, with her head buried in her arms.

The hair was cropped short and shaved hard against her.

Rubbing, as if competing for favor.

Still domineering and unreasonable, stealing her attention.

By the way, he leaned over and kissed her hard.

It's like wanting to get back ten times what I didn't get.

That posture is no different from that of a debt collector.

Also extraordinarily fierce, vicious and vicious.

"..." She stretched out a hand reluctantly and held him down.

"Don't make trouble with Ayang."

Ah Wen watched quietly, still smiling, not saying a word.

Like a transparent person, he rubbed and pressed her legs silently.

The gorgeous cheongsam was lifted up slightly, and the two slender legs were white and straight.

The little leather shoes were taken off, and the beautiful snow-white feet landed on his lap.

The knees are slightly bent, and the ankles are slender and delicate.

Inadvertently, more beautiful colors were revealed.

As seductive as a fox, raising those fox eyes slightly, she is seductive in a variety of ways.

Awen lowered his eyes, and his eyes fell on it quietly.

His expression didn't change, he still looked like a gentleman, restrained and polite.

I didn't look more where I shouldn't look.

On the contrary, it was Ah Yang who did everything he could to take advantage of him.

An arm so strong that it could easily lift a big tree was firmly buckled around her waist.

Like a hungry giant wolf, licking its snack until it drools.

His breathing was heavy, his body was stiff, and his movements were domineering.

Yun Si tried to feed him smoothies to divert his attention, but he just glanced at it and avoided it with some disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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