Chapter 2205 Soul (40)

All the cheongsams here start at 700 yuan. If there is no discount, she can't afford it.

Yun Si slightly hooked her lips and made a gesture of invitation.

Sister Wang had no choice but to stand up.

"Okay, then think about it."

As she spoke, she turned to look at the silent Awen.

"Awen, think about it again! I will do what I say, five times!"

She stretched out a full five fingers.

The tone is aggravated, deliberately emphasized.

Even Yun Si was amused by her funny tone.

Shaking his head, he sent her out.

"All right, all right, even if he wants to go, I won't let him go."

"Let's go, welcome to come next time."

"..." When the proprietress of the clothing store left, her face was full of unwillingness to give up.

Step three back.

Yun Si crossed her arms, blocked the door, and watched her go.

After a few minutes, she finally left and went back to her clothing store.

When I went back and saw my workers who were slacking off, they seemed to be cursing again.

She could hear her scolding from far away.

Yun Si rubbed her forehead with a smile and turned around.

In the next second, a thin coat was put on.

A clear breath came from Awen's body.

Yun Si paused.

"It's cold."

he whispered.

A thin coat covered her thin body, blocking the wind from outside.

Yun Si looked at him and raised her lips slightly.

He reached out and touched his face.

The little angel turned into an archangel, still so cute.

How can it be so-

She couldn't find an adjective to describe it.

Anyway, it's cute.

Cute love, want to kiss.

She took a step closer and kissed him on tiptoe.

He looked at her quietly, with the corners of his lips slightly drawn.

Still smiling, but with a bit more real warmth.

Gently wrapped her arms around her waist, and walked in with her.

"It was the last customer of the day just now, so we can close the door."

He spoke softly.

Yun Si nodded, "Okay, then close the door."

Although it is only three o'clock in the afternoon, the workload has been completed, so it is time to close the door.

Awen hummed softly, let go of her waist, and followed suit.

Yun Si looked at A Yang.

The guest was there just now, and Ayang didn't move too much, just sat there, holding a book, staring at her eagerly.

Now the guests are gone, and the door will be closed.

He stood up immediately.

Leaving that unimportant book behind, leap forward.

"... Si... Si Si..."

The doors are closed, and it's time for her to teach her to read.

Although he doesn't like reading, he likes her teaching him to read.

It feels different.

Yun Si knew what he meant, but seemed to remember something, held him down, and coaxed him softly:

"Wait a minute, 15 minutes, okay?"

She promised Ah Wen that she would be his model and let him take the measurements.

Awen seldom made requests on weekdays, so as long as he asked, she would try her best to satisfy.

Adding this requirement is nothing.

She hugged him, kissed him symbolically, and said wait a minute.

The domineering A Yang instantly lowered his face, full of displeasure.

Staring straight at her, as if she had betrayed him.

"..." Yun Si pinched his face, "Good boy, you promised that I would be obedient."

Ayang didn't make a sound, hugged her, and rubbed against her arms.

With such a large body, he has no self-awareness at all.

Still like a child, trying to squeeze into her arms.

Rubbing vigorously, venting his temper.

The stiff cropped hair always scratched her.

Yun Si: "..."

bad boy.

(End of this chapter)

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