Chapter 2221 Soul (56)

He lowered his head, following her movements.

Yun Si turned her head to look at him, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Why are you so cute?"

"..." The big man Ayang raised his head and looked at her blankly.

As if he didn't understand what she meant.

Still stupid, still stupid.

Yun Si couldn't help it, she turned around and hugged him.

Leaned over and kissed him.

Heavy, paste saliva on his face.

"So cute."

She is smiling.

"..." Ayang blinked his black eyes.

I don't understand why she praised him.

But she praised him, and he was always happy.

The hard arms tightened around her waist in an instant.

Hold her tight and rub her quietly.

"Si... Si Si..."




After checking the information, when he came out of Awen's room, Awen, who was standing by the window in the living room, was no longer there.

It was very quiet on the second floor, without a single sound.

The open windows were closed and the curtains drawn.

Yun Si looked around, but did not see him.


The voice echoed in the silent living room, but there was no response.

Ayang lazily leaned on her from behind, showing indifference to Awen's disappearance.

Don't care at all.

Yun Si paused, as if thinking of something, and walked to the window.

Standing where Awen was standing just now, slightly opened the curtain, and looked down from above.

It was pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Relying on her good night vision ability, Yun Si looked along the whole path.

The car is still there.

It's just that the large group of menacing people is gone, and I don't know where they went.

It was too quiet outside, there were no street lights, no passers-by, not even the sound of the wind.

Under the light of the faint moonlight in the sky, only the deserted stone road and the modified off-road vehicle can be seen.

Coldly, stay there.

Like a beast whose sharp teeth have been pulled out, it has no original deterrent power.

Looking at it, there is only a feeling of being strong on the outside but doing nothing on the inside.

Yun Si stood by the window and watched for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, someone finally got out of the car.

It's the man with the scar.

He tilted his head and turned his back to her direction.

There is also Awen, hiding in a place where the moonlight cannot reach, without shadow or sound.

Like ghosts, the two seem to be talking.

It's just what you are talking about, the voice is too low, and some can't hear clearly.

Yun Si originally wanted to lean out a little bit to identify it.

As a result, Ah Yang immediately pulled her back.

He stared at her unhappily, as if dissatisfied with her dangerous behavior.

Yun Si: "..."

"Okay, I'll stand."

She had no choice but to lose to him, and stood up straight.

Did not probe out again.

When she looked outside again, Awen's figure was no longer there.

The man with the scar was leaning against the car door, smoking a cigarette.

Yun Si paused.

The man with the scar seemed to be very alert, and when he sensed that someone was looking at him, he raised his head instantly.

Right at the right time, he and Yun Si looked at each other.

Yun Si looked at him from a distance, her eyesight was still good.

After he saw her, his eyes were very strange.

It can't be said to be hostile, but with a strong look and inquiry.

The sharp eyes seemed to shoot her all over the body.

Can't tell what it feels like.

But it's not going to make people like it too much.

Yun Si looked at him from afar and made a gesture of exchange.

The previously stated conditions remain in force.

He wanted to know the source of the card, and she wanted to know the identity of Ayang Awen.

(End of this chapter)

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