Chapter 2227 Soul (62)

Tell him what he wants to say, and she will ask again according to the situation.

So as not to ask what he didn't want to answer.

Although it sounded a little perfunctory, Awen seemed to bend his lips and smiled, as if he had been pardoned and forgiven.

He hummed lightly and looked at her quietly with a smile.

"I remember the scene before I died."

"I fired ... and ... died."

The language is as concise as writing A Yang's summary sentence exercises.

Even before Yun Si was ready, he finished speaking.

After finishing speaking, he still stared at her directly.


"No... gone?"

The quiet Awen nodded, "It's gone."

Yun Si: "..."

Well, that leaves a lot of room for her to ask questions.

She thought about it, and began to try to organize the words following his description.

"You...shot, killed, and...suicide?"

He looked at her quietly, shook his head, "It's not suicide."


"Then, who did you kill?"

"I don't know, I don't remember."

"...Then do you remember the last scene before closing your eyes?"

"I..." He seemed to frowned, "I seem to be...sleeping..."

Chaotic, hazy...

Close your eyes, open them again...

He is on the mountain in the wilderness.

I don't remember anything, I don't remember my name, I don't remember everything about myself...

Only vaguely aware that he is a ghost.

It's... a ghost that wants to eat like crazy.

Being too hungry was the only thought that came to his mind after regaining consciousness.

He was so hungry that it was as if he had never eaten in his entire life. He was so hungry that he was dizzy and weak, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

It can only split, barely split into two little ones.

With the remaining strength and two mouths, it went frantically looking for food.

Eat all you can eat to make up for the loss of body strength.

At that time, the only thought in his mind was eating, so why would he think about what happened before his death?
There are some fragments of memory, but they are extremely fragmented and cannot be put together at all.

He didn't want to waste his energy to fight.

Over time, the memory fades away.

There is nothing left, only knowing that I am a ghost and need to eat.

Yun Si listened to his description, and sometimes turned her head to look at A Yang.

Ayang is also the person involved, but he can't express, he can't say these words.

However, he didn't seem to want to say it.

Lazily, he rested his head on her shoulder.

Playing with her fingers, holding her waist.

Eyelids drooping, a look of disinterest in their conversation.

Ruoda Ruda's hands completely wrapped her around her.

The fingers are longer than hers, thicker than hers, and harder than hers,
Playing with her hands like a toy, she is extremely keen on interlocking her fingers.

Although the size difference is a bit big.

Yun Si sometimes touched his head, but she still listened carefully to what A Wen said.

After he finished speaking, she lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment.

Then, she asked a question that she wanted to know the most.

"Then now, do you still remember...what was your name when you were alive?"

"Who is the name, where does he live, and where is the body?"

She was thinking that maintaining a ghost state like this was not an option.

After all, it is a soul. Without the protection of a host body, the soul will be damaged to a greater or lesser extent, and it will become unbearable to the sun.

In addition, they are still one soul body divided into two, and the unstable factors are doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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