Chapter 2235 Soul (70)

This time, she became like a child.

Awen is very good at taking care of people, and will put the dinner to warm first.

After taking a shower, Yun Si really went to bed.

He didn't even have time to help Ayang wash.

Ayang saw that she seemed to be really sleepy, and it was rare that she didn't make a fuss.

He also carefully lay down beside the bed and tucked her in the quilt.

A rare peace of mind.

Yun Si was sleepy and soon fell asleep.

Ah Yang squatted quietly beside the bed, watching over her.

Hold her hand and kiss her twice from time to time.

express their intimacy.

On the bed, the person who was deeply asleep seemed to frown.

Eyeballs moved slightly, sleep was a little restless.

Like, having a dream.





The huge labyrinth-like underground fortress, the sophisticated organizational structure, the 24-hour strict monitoring, and the bloody hell-like cruelty and cold-bloodedness...

All of these are like thick high-voltage wires, straddling people's hearts.

Densely packed, weaving into an invisible, intangible big net.

Depression, fear, tearing, trembling.

This place is like the gathering place and birthplace of all negative emotions. There is no light, no warmth, and even less hope—the hope that people yearn for.

If you live here for a long time and feel depressed for a long time, if things go on like this, you will gradually lose your human warmth.

Became like a demon in hell, muddled and insensitive.

The walking dead, completely acquiesced, acquiesced to everything here, and let everything here distort the three views.

Here, money comes first.

As long as you have enough money, you can do anything.

Here, it is also above the level.

If there are minions at the bottom, there will naturally be a top in power.

There are layers of classes, strict and clear.

The evil spirit flower is their belief and their lifelong yearning.

Extremely pure evil, undisguised poison.

Like a drug, it wantonly invaded the minds of the people here.

There is no law and morality, no restraint and humanity.

The roots of the Evil Spirit Flower are intertwined and penetrated deeply into everyone's brains.

Control them and absorb their nutrients.

All people have been brainwashed and surrendered to this.

I surrendered for a long time, not daring to defy half a point.

It's morbid, but no one is surprised.

They all subtly and acquiesced to this kind of brainwashing.

Up to the high-level, down to the bottom.

Nobody realized something was wrong, except—

Mr Roderick.

A newborn calf who has just taken office and has just taken over the organization from his father.

The power has not yet been firmly grasped, and the position has not yet been settled, showing extreme indifference and disregard for the evil spirit flower.

This huge organization rooted underground is a black group that takes pleasure in killing people and steals money.

He took it with the permission of the evil spirit flower, but tried to destroy it.

Destroy the pathological beliefs of this organization, and cut off all the deep-rooted roots of the evil spirit flower.

A complete seizure of power, not a manipulated puppet.

He is extremely proud, yet so ignorant of himself.

The glory is given to him by it, but he is a white-eyed wolf who doesn't know how to be grateful.

The evil spirit flower did everything to punish it.

In the empty garden of death full of bones, in the land where the sun cannot be seen and the ground is full of evil piranhas.

That wolf-like wild and unruly man, with a thin and cool rationality, seemed to be completely swallowed by the thick black mist that could kill people in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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