Chapter 2239 Soul (74)

"..." Yun Si looked at him with slightly red eyes.

Like crying.

Crying for the first time.

Yang stood up abruptly.

Like a hungry wolf, his figure instantly covered her.

Vigorously, he bit down on her neck.

I tried hard, but it didn't work.

It hurts, it makes her feel pain.

But it's not the kind of pain that would bleed.

She sniffed, trying to take a step back.

As a result, the furious vicious dog raised its head and glared at her viciously.


With so few words in his head, he couldn't say anything.

He just bit her angrily, turning her neck red.

Take it out hard.

Even when it changed back to the soul form, the little soft purple soul floated up angrily, preventing her from catching it.

It's just making trouble, and it's just easy to refuse to listen.

When the knock on the door sounded, it was still hiding in the corner of the ceiling.

Ignore her and don't come down.

Playing with childish tantrums, it silently vented its resistance and dislike.

Yun Si stood below, with red eyes, raised her head slightly silently, and looked at it.

"Come down, will you?"

She stretched out her hand without forcing it.

Just standing there, her soft and white palms spread out.

face it.

As long as you come down, you can return to her palm and return to her side.

The little pitiful one with red eyes, as if it bullied her.

The group of angry purple souls was quiet for a while.

Then, it seemed to slowly come down.

Floating in front of her, it seemed to have two eyes, watching her quietly.

is annoyed, but always—

Can't see her cry.

Before she shed tears, it began to feel uncomfortable.

If you shed tears...

The knocking on the door continued, Yun Si looked at it with a sore nose, and stretched out her hand.

Tentatively, gently, slowly.

When the fingertips touched the mass of warmth, it didn't move.

In the next second, it suddenly rushed into her heart.

It melted into her heart like snow, and then disappeared again.

disappeared without a trace.

The temperature in the heart seems to be hot for a moment.

"..." She was taken aback.

The little purple soul who was quietly staying in her other hand soon followed her in.

It is safer and more comfortable to stay where her heart is.

It seemed to stretch lazily, embracing her heart.

Stick it on it, be still.

In the room, there was silence.

There was only a knock on the door outside, which was extremely loud.

Seems to be getting impatient.

Yun Si quietly stared at her heart for a long while.

Then, she wiped the crystal water spray from the corners of her eyes.

Sniff your nose and reset your mood.

When the door opened again, the pretty face was already as usual.

Plain and light, with clear eyes.

He had nothing on him, and his hands were empty.

The loose hair was tied up and tied into a cute ball head.

It was Ah Yang who tied her up for her, he is always happy to do this kind of thing.

Kris looked her up and down, and after a while, his expression became impatient.

"You're 10 minutes late, and there's only 10 minutes left to meet."

She was only allowed three 10-minute sessions.

Not even a minute or a second.

Yun Si's expression was flat: "Lead the way."

It doesn't take 10 minutes, if all goes well, 3 minutes is enough.

Kris didn't know what she was thinking, but said coldly: "Don't try to play tricks, there are traps everywhere, if you don't want to die, just be honest."

(End of this chapter)

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