Chapter 2247 Soul Return (4)

Wearing slippers, went to the kitchen.

Before leaving, Awen made soup for her, even though it was already cold.

She didn't even heat it up, so she came out with the pot in her arms, nestled in the corner of the sofa, and drank with a big spoon.

Depressed, do not speak.

Completely ignoring the evil spirit flower that was living miserably in a small flowerpot.


So angry.

But I still have to smile.

It worked hard and stretched out its branches.

Go to the lamp next to it.

I am used to doing wrong and evil on weekdays, but suddenly being restrained like this, it is almost...

Can't stand it.

It slapped the lampshade hard.

The power is restrained, and its deterrent power at the moment is not even as good as a kitten.

After exhausting all the strength in his body, the lampshade did not move at all.

The sound of picking up a little is not as loud as the sound of a pen falling to the ground.


I'm even more angry.

In the living room, Yun Si absent-mindedly drank the soup and ate the meat in it.

He didn't notice the movement in the bedroom at all.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening, and there was still no movement outside the door.

do not know either……

Did he wake up?

After waking up, will you still remember her?
Probably remember?
She is a little unsure.


Suddenly there was a violent sound in the bedroom, the sound of porcelain breaking.


This time, it finally caught her attention.

Hearing the sound, she finally seemed to remember something.

Put down the soup pot and walk into the bedroom to have a look.

Sure enough, the flowerpot was broken.

She finally found a flower pot for it, but it was broken when it was broken.

"..." Her forehead popped.

The evil spirit flower, unwilling to be reconciled to living in a small flower pot, moved around with its nimble little body.

The petals are ugly, dark, and oddly shaped.

Looks like a funny stinkbug.

This is a bit disgusting for Yun Si, who is extremely beauty-loving.

He raised his little finger and barely stretched out two fingers to lift it.

Also specially opened the distance.

"Why so ugly?"

She didn't hide the disgusted expression on her face at all, and almost killed it with anger.

It cursed and cursed, but couldn't make a sound.

It was writhing wildly like a centipede, it was pitch black, it was really ugly to the extreme.

Yun Si barely held it with two fingers, then went to the kitchen, found a random bowl, and set it down for it.

This time, the location is smaller.

Not as good as the flowerpot just now.

Evil Spirit Flower: "..."

It twisted even more.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see its dissatisfaction.

Yun Si washed her hands and wiped them casually with a tissue.

Saw it wriggling and smelling like a nasty bedbug.

very energetic.

She clicked her tongue, and finally showed her kindness, and lifted the ban on it.

It can finally talk.

The first sentence he spoke was a swear word.

It's as ugly as it sounds.

With that posture, I can't wait to greet all her eighteen generations of ancestors.

She even scolded her for bringing her future child.

It can be regarded as exhausting all the dirty words that can be said in the world.

"..." Yun Si, who was not in a good mood, leaned against the wall.

He rubbed his ears, but there was no response.

For those ugly swear words, the performance is not painful.

The bad-tempered Evil Spirit Flower scolded her so much that her saliva dried up, her voice became hoarse, and the storage in her stomach was also empty.

As a result, for her, it was like listening to a cross talk.

He even yawned boredly.

Pretty face with downcast eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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