Chapter 226 Hello, Mr. Lu (2)


The little girl fell to the ground unexpectedly, and was about to knock her head against the sharp scissors.

The man who wanted to block the exit subconsciously gave a help,
As a result, the loophole appeared all at once.

The short figure ran and jumped up the stairs,
In less than a blink of an eye, I went down to the third floor.

"Not good—let him run away!"

"Don't chase after me!"

After the five people reacted, they immediately rushed down.

But there are too many people in the residential building,

It was also the time for get off work and school in the evening, and the stairs were full of old people, children, and migrant workers returning from work.

The short man running in front, with the advantage of his stature and dexterous movements,
In half a minute they went down to the first floor.

After running out of the narrow stairs, he rushed out almost instantly.

But the five people in the back, because they took care of the elderly and children with inconvenient legs and feet, their speed slowed down at once.

When he ran out of the building, he looked extremely embarrassed.


Panting, they leaned on the wall and looked at the police car outside the building.

"Look, I said the boss will definitely catch him."

"Cut, it's clear that you are not good enough, and you still let the boss take action."

"Come on, you're the only one with poor mouth, didn't you let that bastard run away because you showed your truth just now!"

"Stop arguing, stop arguing! It's better to catch the prisoner if you have that spare time."

At the front of the police car, the short man who was running extremely fast just now has been handcuffed with both hands.

His head was firmly pressed against the front of the car, and he was so suppressed that he had no power to resist.

He bared his teeth and wanted to struggle,

But the man behind him directly pressed his elbow against his back, and said in a low and cold voice, "Don't move, policeman."

The slender hand showed the criminal police certificate in front of the man,

"Wang Guanyan, 48 years old, after investigation, we found that you are closely related to a murder case, please come with us."

The man in the straight police uniform took back his criminal police certificate, and then looked coldly at the person who was still bickering over there,

"Not coming yet?"

"Yes, boss!"

A group of people pressed the prisoner into the car.

After returning to the police station and taking the prisoner into the interrogation room,
Gangzi finally fell down in his seat in a relaxed manner, raised his head and sighed, "I've finally caught the man, I can get off work and rest today."

"Yeah, I can finally close the case. This case is driving me crazy."

Zhu Lun took out the handcuffs from his pocket and threw them in the drawer.

"After get off work, can you go and drink?"

"Let's go! Come tonight and don't get drunk!"

"Where's the boss? Call him together?"

Zhu Lun glanced at the closed door of the office, lowered his voice, "It's better not to call him."

"I heard that Auntie wants to drag the eldest brother on a blind date again."

Gangzi was packing up his things, when he heard this, he laughed unkindly,
"Boss is really miserable. He is busy catching prisoners during the day and has to deal with the old mother at night."

"Then don't call him, the province's aunt came to talk about us again."

"Let's go!"

Closed office.

The quiet sunset slanted into the room through the blinds,

The afterglow falling on the ground, reflecting the shadow of the window leaves, seems to have brought the hustle and bustle of that life here.

The potted plants placed on the side, the tip of the green leaves also touched the soft afterglow,

Like lingering, reluctant to part, nostalgic in every possible way.

on the desk,

The man pressed his swollen temples slightly, resting his elbows on the table, without speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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