Chapter 2260 Soul Return (17)

"Where did you go? How did you buy so many things? Can you finish eating?"

She looked to the left and looked again, and touched it with her hands.

"Hey, this ginseng is not cheap... it's so big, it's sold for a lot of money when I see it on TV..."

"..." Looking at the pile of things, Yun Si felt a little headache.

I don't know who sent it, and she can't accept it.

Seeing that the proprietress touched it with her hands, she seemed to want to take it apart to have a look, so she immediately held her down.

"...Sister Wang, I'm sorry, these may have been delivered by mistake, they are not mine, so don't open them yet."

"It's not yours?"

The shrewd proprietress rolled her eyes.

"It's not yours, whose is it?"

"..." Yun Si took the gift box in her hand and remained silent.

She also wondered what kind of idiot had gotten the delivery number and address wrong.

"I don't know about this, anyway—"

"Oh no, isn't this yours?"

The proprietress had sharp eyes and saw the note pasted inside at a glance.

It has the delivery address, Yun Si's name, and her phone number written on it.

All the information matches, so why isn't it hers?

She took out the note inside and handed it to Yun Si.

Yun Si took it and took a look, it was really true.

"Could it be your Awen who bought it?"

The proprietress had an expression that I could see through.

"He is so obedient, he must have bought it."

"Your little brother is amazing. He loves people so much and is willing to spend money."

"..." She lowered her head slightly and pursed her lips.


He is no longer by her side.

I have already forgotten about her, so how could——

Her eyes were flat, and she only slightly pulled the corners of her lips.

Looks like it's laughing.


Her tone is very light and very light.

As if he didn't want to say anything more.

Before the proprietress could hear what she was saying, she saw her carrying the things and moving them back to the shop first.

There are so many things, she can't move them all at once.

"I'll help you."

She immediately took the initiative.

"I see that your fish is quite fresh. If you can't finish it, why don't you give me one?"

She was helping to carry things while smiling.

It would be very cheap.

"..." Yun Si looked at it, but she didn't care about it.

Nodded and gave it to her.

She immediately mentioned the big fat fish with a big smile on her face.

"Hey, your Awen, you are good, and you love others."

After taking advantage, she still boasted a few words in a very sophisticated way.

I also didn't notice that Yun Si was in a bad mood.

Yun Si forced a smile, but didn't say anything.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, she smiled and carried the big fish away contentedly.

This fish weighs more than a dozen catties at least, and it is really a big profit today!
After she left, the Evil Spirit Flower, who had been shrinking silently, spoke out to express her dissatisfaction.

"Hey! Why did you give her such a good fish? Didn't you see that she wanted to take advantage of you?"

Why are you so stupid, giving others what they want?
"..." Yun Si closed the door curtain and threw the big bag of meat in front of it.

"If you want to eat, you can eat it, whatever you want."

She said lightly and left.

Go upstairs without looking back.

It froze.

Before it scolded her, she would shake her fist to threaten it.

Noisy, but okay.

but now……

She seems angry?

Really, angry?

For no reason, it suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Her sudden attitude made it—

(End of this chapter)

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