Chapter 2285 Soul Return (42)

His appearance frightened her.


"Call me Jin."

His voice was hoarse and extremely deep, and his thick body almost blocked all the light.

The tip of her nose was against the tip of her nose, and she was about to kiss her almost immediately.

If so, if not at all.

The exhaled breath is very hot.

It all spilled on her face.

It made her face a little red.

Red and soft, with a touch of beautiful crimson.

She was blindfolded and couldn't see his expression clearly at the moment.

When he spoke, she froze for a moment.

"Do you have a Chinese name?

"Xiao Jin."

His fingers landed on the buttons of the cheongsam, and he unbuttoned them one by one.

There is no rush.

An excellent hunter will always give the prey a chance to react.

When kissing the corner of her lips, she didn't resist.

Like remembering his name.

"I thought you didn't have a Chinese name."

She is still distracted and talking to him solemnly.

Didn't realize the danger was coming.

He seemed to be laughing, but not angry.

Tuck her hair behind her ears, kiss her nose and cheek.

Finally, slowly, stick to her lips.

Gradually take control.

Strong control.

"I still have a lot to ask you to understand, good girl."

He whispered slowly in her ear.

Between the lines, there is always an inexplicable meaning.

"..." She shrank her fingers.

At this time, he was still elegant, but more and more powerful.

It is the active party and the party that holds the dominance.

She tilted her head, but couldn't avoid it.


He stroked her head with an extremely gentle voice.

It's so soft that it makes people feel hairy.

"..." I wanted to say something more, but he was no longer kind.

The hand that was once stained with blood and killing fell on the bright cheongsam.


Then, start enjoying.

Enjoy the beauties he got by accident.

During the action, more and more...







A dark and damp dungeon full of rats and cockroaches.

Lin Liansheng was thrown directly into a large single room, which was dirty, covered in blood, and the muddy water on his body was not completely dry.

The group of people with submachine guns threw him in without showing any sympathy, and then closed the door.

A specially made iron wall with a thickness of nearly 60 meters, and a dull, depressing air.

He won, signed the contract, and was left here.

There were multiple fractures all over his body, and the pain was unbearable.

He was barefoot and fell to the ground.

In the private room, people sitting in rows looked at him indifferently.

Obviously, he is not the first person to be thrown here.

Those who can be here are the winners of the Colosseum every night.

They will live here until they officially start competing for the position of successor.

Eating and drinking, all in a small space.

It stinks, and the cockroaches keep them company.

The room was dark, with only one small lamp.

There is a toilet next to it, as well as a shower room.

It's just that so many people, so many days, have been sharing.

Sanitation has long been poor.

Lin Liansheng staggered, covered in dirt and mud, and was tossed so hard that he couldn't even stand up.

After working hard for a long time, I just sat there.

Panting heavily, enduring the severe pain from all over the body.

It hurts...everywhere.

Even the bones hurt.

He looked at the people around him.

They all sat with their knees tucked together, with no clothes, only a pair of underpants.

Like animals without dignity, all of them have blank expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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