Chapter 2289 Soul Return (46)

Nameless anger and intense panic welled up in my heart.

He ran after her, trying to catch her.

But the next second-

Her figure disappeared.

It turned into a gust of wind and drifted away.

disappeared without a trace.

All that was left was the desolation all over the ground, and her roar that was full of tears.

She said she was leaving, never coming back, never seeing him again.

She doesn't want him anymore!
She'll keep her word... she'll keep her word.

If you don't want him, you really——

He opened his eyes instantly.

In the room, there was a deserted silence.

He slowly looked to the side.

Next to it, there was no one there.

His eyes were pitch black, black as ghosts.




At this moment, Yun Si is in the kitchen.

It was already twelve o'clock at noon, and it was almost one o'clock. She got up and wanted to make dinner first.

When he wakes up, he will almost be able to eat.

This will also lighten his burden.

However, before she had time to do anything, she just washed the rice and put it in the pot when she heard a loud noise from the bedroom.

It sounded like something was breaking.

Shatter hard.

Hearing the sound, she turned and looked over.

As if thinking of something, he frowned and left the kitchen.

The bedroom door was not closed, it was ajar.

She pushed the door open and went in, only to see a mess all over the floor.

It was all shards of glass, and water.

Broken all over the floor.

And he was standing by the bed.

No clothes, full of muscles.

Just staring at her so coldly, looking at her eyes, was indescribably gloomy and terrifying.

There is something wrong with the emotional state, and the fists are clenched.

It's like being controlled by emotions, completely ignoring reason.

Those eyes were faintly bloodshot.

Scary and vicious bloodshot.

It was as if she was going to break her neck in the next second.

She stood at the door, slightly startled.

A little dazed.

"Ah... Ah Jin?"

The ground is still a mess.

She paused.

Then, go around those debris and walk over there.

Wearing a soft sweater and trousers, wrapped around his waist, subconsciously hugged him.

The fragrance is light and floral.

He pressed his head against his heart, hugged it tighter, and lowered his voice.

"What's wrong? Had a nightmare?"

He was tall, like a mountain, which made her more delicate, soft, beautiful and delicate.

He didn't refuse her initiative to hug her.

He even bent down and hugged her tightly.

The powerful arms are like giant pythons, tightening more and more.

Like a child, he lifted her off the ground.

She has become taller, and he needs to look up to her.

Under the light, the bloodshot eyes were clearly visible.

The roots are distinct.

He was looking at her, cold and dark.

Like a poisonous snake, hissing and spitting snake letters, as if it could bite her at any time.

Give her a fatal blow.

She was slightly taken aback.

Before she could think about it, soon, the world was spinning and she was pushed onto the bed.

His hands were pressed on both sides, and then he bit her ear.

It was a little hard, as if deliberately hurting her.

She hissed, and twisted the held hand.


"Don't...don't bite..."

The poor and delicate ears were quickly bitten red, red and soft.

With teeth marks, trembling, looking miserable.

"..." She felt aggrieved, "You—"

"There is a price."

He was in her ear, his voice was hoarse and his tone was extremely cold.

Pressing her wrist, not letting her move.

"My kindness to you comes at a price."

He will not give unconditionally, and he will not be stupid enough to let her abandon him.

Heartless woman.

He was going to pay off in her.

(End of this chapter)

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