Chapter 2293 Soul Return (51)

Only those ranked in the top [-] can advance.

The elimination rate this time is still higher than 50.00%.

extremely cruel.

Or, squeeze into the top one thousand;

Or, die.




On the third day, physical competition - forest cross-country.

In the forest with an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, there are material points and weapon supply points.

Participants need to set off at a designated location, search for supplies and weapons, and find a signal transmitter hidden deep in the forest within six hours.

There are only three hundred signal transmitters, and they are extremely fragile and easily damaged.

One bad is one less, so the person who finds it must be extremely careful.

To prevent fierce competition, it will eventually fail.

This time, the test is luck and resilience.




Fourth game.


Game [-].


Game [-].


Layers of selection, multiple competition systems, multiple rules, and cruel endings.

Win or die.

In the end, there were only three people who could really stand in front of Mr. Roderick.

three men.

One is the inch-cut guy who was sitting in the corner back then, with a scar next to his eyes, with the tenacity of a soldier in his eyes, as well as the ferocity of a wolf.

He is cold, although he is not tall, but he looks very strong, and he has the upper hand in every physical battle.

Tough and quick to respond.

One looks like a middle-aged man, with broken glasses and stubble all over his face. He looks very weak, and he doesn't seem to be the first one who can fight.

But obviously, those who can become winners in so many physical battles are naturally not ordinary people.

There is always light in his eyes.

There is a feeling of being able to see through people's hearts.

In these trials, he seldom uses force, but outsmarts.

The means of manipulating people's hearts are consummate and impressive.

As for the last one...


The face is very ordinary, the body is also very ordinary, there is nothing impressive.

But Yun Si remembered him because he rarely attacked others during the selection process.

He even volunteered to help others a lot.

Seems like a nice guy, especially in a group of demons who just want to kill each other.

The contrast is somewhat stark.

When the three stood in front of Mr. Roderick at the same time, each had advantages and disadvantages.

It's hard to choose.

She sat beside Roderick, watching them quietly.

Especially on the third person.

Although it is ordinary and there is nothing memorable about its appearance, but...

Before he could finish his thoughts, his line of sight was blocked.

Mr. Roderick raised his hand, covering her eyes.

Probably because she noticed that her eyes were too much on the third man.

For Mr. Roderick, who has a small belly, he will naturally feel displeased.

"……you like him?"

He is in her ear, his tone is light.

Her eyes were blocked and she blinked.


"Why do I like him?"

She paused, took his hand, leaned over, and whispered to him.

"I just thought... you'd pick him."

The voice was lowered so that only he could hear it.

After the words fell, he seemed to raise his eyebrows.

Maybe it was a random guess based on tacit understanding, or maybe it was because she knew him too well.

Know what kind of person he would prefer, and also know what kind of person this position is more suitable for.

She leaned close to his ear and bit his ear.

"I guessed right, didn't I?"

There was a bit of cunning in her beautiful eyes.

It's really like a fox, and I don't know where this cleverness comes from.

(End of this chapter)

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