Chapter 2308 Desert (10)

She stopped for a moment, and saw the strong man on the horse tightened the reins.

The horse was immediately brought under control.

It seems that he knows he can't move now.

He looked very spiritual and listened to what he said.

She looked at him quietly.

"Is something wrong?"

The indifferent and low voice fell, and he didn't look at her.

Instead, he looked in the direction of the felt tent in the distance lightly.

The back is very generous, and the wild hormones are strong.

It was so high that Her Royal Highness had to raise her small face to look at him.

She took another step forward, this time, very close to him.

The horse flicked its tail, looking vigilant.

"I can, do I know your name?"

She looked at him with a soft voice like a lamb.

Especially in such a cold and windy night, in the howling wind.

Her voice is very clean, as comfortable as clear water.

Extraordinarily attractive.

The man on the horse seemed to pause for a moment, then lowered his eyes and glanced at her.

Cold and indifferent.

In the Turkic people, a woman asking a man's name can be considered as expressing liking and interest.

Asked the name, which means that there can be the next step of development.

She doesn't seem to understand.

That's why it's so straightforward.

Before he could say anything, Adaima, who had been fanning the flames not far away, came back.

Adelahu was so angry that he fainted on the spot, and was just carried away.

He was in a happy mood, but when he turned around, he saw his elder brother looking at a woman.

Or a woman in Han clothing.

Standing next to the horse, very close.

He looked back and forth, his flexible mind spinning extremely fast.

"your Highness."

His voice interrupted the two people's gaze.

The gentle and charming Princess looked over.

Adaima saluted her, putting her right hand over her chest.

"Forgive me for being rude, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Adaima, and I am the third son of Khan."

She was wearing a veil, and her full eyes blinked.

Adaima introduced her again.

"This is my elder brother, Prince Adair Khan."

After speaking, she seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

She seemed to vaguely remember that it was he who was going to be engaged to her?
She looked at him sharply.

He seemed to be looking at her all the time, his narrow and cold eyes were dark, and he couldn't see any emotion.

After she looked over, he looked away again.

Looking forward lightly, let go of the rein.


The time to watch the fun is over.

He let go of the rein, and the horse went on straight away.

The soldiers who followed him also got up and left slowly.

Adaima was left behind, and Her Royal Highness the lonely Princess.

She was wearing a fur coat, looking in the direction of his departure.

Adaima looked at it and smiled, "Princess, the person you want to marry is Adelahu, don't be fooled by my elder brother."

He seemed to know the masculinity of Adair Khan, so he kindly reminded him.

She looked at his back and seemed to frown upon hearing this.

"What? Isn't it Adair Khan?"

But obviously, the imperial decree mentioned Adair Khan.

Adaima looked like she already knew about it.

"Oh, that's casual."

"Your Highness, you may not know that here, we are married to this one in name, but in may not be."

"Maybe, you may still marry me."


Why is he so oily?

Although he is better than Adelahu, he doesn't know how to use hands and feet, but that tone——

She glanced at him, turned around coldly.

ignore him.

"...Eh? How did you leave?"

He followed, beside her.

"What? Want to marry my elder brother?"


"Like my big brother?"


"Guess, does my elder brother have a wife?"

 Guess who the previous princesses married

(End of this chapter)

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