Chapter 2319 Desert (21)

Her clear eyes were wet and she stared at him fixedly.

It's been that way from the very beginning, unabashedly.

It's hard not to ignore it.

It seemed that anyone could guess her thoughts.


Adair Khan didn't make a sound, his fur was thick and his face was cold and resolute.

His thick black eyes drooped slightly, and his long fingers, as thick as tree roots, seemed to shake the wine glass silently.

Unhurriedly, but with a sense of strength without anger.

People dare not talk to it, or even approach it.

But the little princess, whose cheeks were flushed from drinking, stared bluntly.

On the plain and pretty face, those two glass-like eyeballs reflected his figure.

Her lips were bright red, with the sweet smell of kumiss.

He sipped it slightly, as if the breath he exhaled carried the fragrance of milk.

Some sweet, some boozy.


When he didn't speak, she got up.

Zhu Chai swayed, and the shadow of her skirt fluttered lightly.

Go around the blocking board and come to him.

Squat down, barely level with him.

He hiccupped again, stretched out his hand, and covered him with slender, white fingers.

Placing on the back of his hand, one white and one copper-black complexion formed a sharp contrast.

Hers is soft, but his is hard.

"You answer me a question, and I will leave after answering, and I will never bother you."

Her wet eyeballs stared at him stubbornly.

I don't know why I am so stubborn.

The slender fingers scratched him slightly, like a kitten tickling.

For him, it was painless.

His dark eyes fell on her hand.

He couldn't see the joy or anger, but he didn't get rid of her either.

She stared at him with soft red lips.

"Are you really married and have a wife?"

Although she has heard others say it several times, Pearl also swears by it.

But she still didn't believe it.

She only believed in him, no matter what.

As long as he said no, she would believe it.

One sentence of his can surpass thousands of other people's sentences.

As long as he denies it.

The little princess looks silly, innocent, and easy to deceive.

Adair Khan looked at her hand indifferently, his breath was cold.

There is no immediate answer, but...

"What did they tell you?"

The deep voice carries the wildness of the grassland and desert.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol that he was low-key with a bit of relief.

Plain and indifferent, not as difficult to get along with as it looks on the outside.

On the contrary, it gives people an indescribable feeling.

It was obvious that he treated her differently.

At least, there are also good feelings.

The delicate little princess froze for a moment, and then replied.

"They said you married four of my sisters, had four wives, and..."

Give them a special treat every night.

She didn't say the last word, she just pouted.

Very upset.

That was obviously her man, but it turned out that he was with another woman——

He seemed to sneer, and his eyes finally fell on her face.

Eye color is extremely black.

There seems to be some unknown emotion.

"These nonsense, do you believe it?"

This is almost denial in disguise.

An understatement, overthrow.

The little princess's moist eyeballs blinked.

After drinking a little wine, my nerves were a little dull.

Staring at him, reacting for a long time, then slowly realized that he was denying——

He did not.

"Really not?"

She held his hand, her voice was soft and smelled of sweet wine.

It looks like the whole body is soft, body, face, and hands.

It's like it has no bones.

(End of this chapter)

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