Chapter 2328 Desert (30)

It was the Turkic maid, the one who served her breakfast this morning.

Tall and strong, unremarkable, and a little dark.

Wearing Turkic dresses and attire, holding a tray, at the door.

"your Highness."

"..." She turned around.

"what's up?"

"You didn't eat much this morning, and the kitchen made some more snacks. I wonder if you want to eat some?"

Turkic people eat only two meals a day, breakfast and dinner.

So in order not to be hungry, they would eat a lot of meat for breakfast and fill their stomachs so that they could hold their stomachs and go hunting.

But Her Royal Highness doesn't know this, and doesn't adapt to the habits here.

Originally, I ate less in the morning, if I didn't eat at noon, I was afraid I would starve to death.

So they brought snacks, which is considered considerate.

Her Royal Highness didn't think much, "Send it in."

The maids came in.

Put the snacks on the table.

It's still Han Chinese pastry, which is the taste of Suzhou.

Xiaoxiaobaibai is soft and delicate, not like something that bold and unrestrained Turkic people would eat.

It seems that it is specially made to cater to her taste.

The little princess watched and rubbed her stomach.

Really feel hungry.

Most of the morning drinks are wine, and there are not many things that can fill the stomach.

In addition, I went out to play with Adair Khan just now, which was noisy and exhausting.

Now that I'm hungry, it's just right for these snacks to be delivered.

She watched as the maids delivered the snacks, as well as barbecue and rice.

Turkic people do not farm, so they hardly eat rice.

I don't know where the white rice came from.

Very fragrant, just out of the pot, exuding a sweet rice aroma.

This made the eyes of the little princess who hadn't eaten rice for more than a month brighten up.

Follow and sit down.

The maid handed over the chopsticks, very respectful.

"Princess, please."

There are even chopsticks, which is really considerate.

Her Royal Highness the little princess took it, and the first bite was rice.

Sweet, natural maltose flavor.

Saliva secretion crazy.

The maid stood by, smiling.

"His Royal Highness, you can eat slowly, and if you don't have enough, you can add more at any time."

The service is really quite in place.

The little princess glanced at her with clear eyes.

"Is this what you did specifically?"

The maid returned the gift with one hand: "His Royal Highness is a distinguished guest, so naturally she should treat her with generous gifts."

"If there is anything unsatisfactory, Her Royal Highness can tell us at any time, and we will try our best to solve it for you."


This is not like the appointment of the Great Khan.

It is unlikely that the rough and bold Khan is such a thoughtful and considerate person.

Moreover, he didn't seem to take her seriously at all, and only regarded her as a plaything for his kiss.

Sudden being so nice to her...

Not like him.

Her Royal Highness looked at the maid and was silent for a while.

Then, he asked abruptly, "Did Adair Khan send you here?"

Apart from him, she didn't think anyone here would be nice to her.

You can even get so many Han food.

She asked bluntly, looked bluntly.

Looking at the maid, her eyes were clean and clear.

The maid visibly paused.

Then, neither admit nor deny.

"If Her Royal Highness wants to know, you can directly ask His Royal Highness the First Prince, we..."

"I can't disclose it at the moment."

It means that they have orders and it is difficult to answer them.

If you want to answer, you can only ask yourself.

The beautiful princess tilted her head.

Think, don't ask, I seem to be...

I have already got the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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