Chapter 2333 Desert (35)

"..." The little princess suddenly felt that now might not be a good time to ask questions.

He is in a bad mood. Will her appearing here cause trouble for him?

She stood alone by the bed, looking at him.

I am hesitant.

"Well... how about... I first..." Go?

Before he could say the words, he saw that he had already taken off his shirt.

The upper body is naked, with clear textures, and the strong and hard muscles are exposed.

Very strong, the biceps are smooth, the mermaid lines on the waist and abdomen are even more wild, and the hormones are bursting.

The temperature was a few degrees above zero, but he didn't seem to feel the cold when he was supposed to be wearing clothes.

Clothes were hung on the racks, and hands were washed with water from a nearby basin.

Still very clean.

No matter how many times you have been reincarnated, the habit is always engraved in your bones.

It has never changed.

The little princess looked at him and was silent for a while.

Originally, he wanted to leave, but somehow, after seeing his actions like this, he suddenly became a little less afraid.

He is still him.

Some change, but some...

It will never change.

such as……

The little princess stepped forward suddenly.

Like a lithe little fox, with a smoky white skirt and black hair and red lips, she pounces on her.

She hugged him from behind, holding him tightly.

Hugging his warm body, there was a strong and incomparably safe breath.

"Adel Khan..."

The little princess is very good at acting like a baby, and also very good at sticking to each other.

Hug him tightly, against his back.

Her tender face rubbed against him softly.

The man was wiping his hands when a small tail followed behind him.

Sticky, and really courageous.

He clearly saw that he was not in a good mood, but he still dared to follow.

Not afraid of what he would really do to her.

He lowered his eyes, his deep and oppressive eyebrows were emotionally indifferent.

He glanced at the little arm that circled him, and then put down the towel to wipe his hands.

"Adel Khan, did someone offend you?"

She tried to stand on tiptoe, trying to get on his shoulder.

It's just that the height gap is too great, he is too tall, she can't reach it.

So, after trying twice, he could only sneak up from behind and get close to his chest.

Holding his lean waist, looking up.

The small face is white and soft, and the water eyes are clear and clean.

Yingying is moving, reflecting him.

His fingers were a little cold, because they were blown cold by the wind just now.

But next to him, his body seemed to warm up.

It's all his breath, very comfortable.

He lowered his eyes, and his dark eyes fell on her beautiful face.

There was a pause, and then, her cheek was pinched.

Neither refuse nor push away.

He just grabbed her hand and pulled it down.

"What, you want to coax me?"

His tone was flat as usual, and he didn't seem to vent his anger on her.

"..." The little princess was held by him, and after hearing this, she thought for a while.

Then, his eyes rolled.

"Do you want me to coax you?"

"I can try it if I want."

After all, she was the one chasing him, so she had to take the initiative.

Adair Khan looked at her and raised his hand.

His fingers scratched the tip of her nose lightly, as if punishing her.

Although not powerful.

I didn't say I wanted to, and I didn't say I didn't want to.

It's just that he can clearly feel that the cold air on his body is dissipating.

"What did you come to see me for?"

he asked flatly.

The little princess smiled, "Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"


On the contrary, the four characters of "anti-customer-oriented" are vividly expressed.

very active.

She doesn't look like a reserved and quiet Central Plains woman at all.

(End of this chapter)

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