Chapter 2336 Desert (38)

His voice was low and slightly hoarse.

Seen from one side, his body literally covered her completely.

Like a big mountain, heavy, huge, and powerful.

You can't even push it.

The little princess was stunned, she was even a little dazed by being so cold.

"What... what?"

So, she was kissed on the cheek, on the forehead, on the nose.

"Is that so?"

A flat tone, as if he was doing something serious.

He even covered her lips and took a bite.

"Is that still the case?"

"..." The little princess opened her mouth.

The red lips are soft and the eyes are soft and bright.

looked at him, no response.

For a moment, I didn't know how to react.

There was no sound to stop it, so the villain-like eldest prince just went one step further as a matter of course.

Self-taught, staying on her lips.

Almost took away all her fragrance.

The action became more and more ambiguous and fiery.

There is a feeling of dry wood and fire, just a little bit.

The little princess looked at him fixedly, curling her fingertips slightly.

The people outside were still waiting, as if they wanted to urge them.

But Adair Khan's personal guards were not vegetarians either. After negotiating twice, there was no movement outside.

So, inside the felt tent.

"do not……"

When the villain-like man buried his head in her neck, she finally began to struggle.

Twisting the immobilized hand, the strength of the struggle was negligible.

Her cheeks were pink, and the tips of her ears were also a little red.

"He didn't, he didn't touch me."

Obviously, he has done much more than the second prince.

She whispered so he could hear.

He kept moving, and the stubble shaved on her delicate skin.

All shaved red.

Adair Khan never touched women, once he did, he would naturally explore everything he wanted to explore.

Unfortunately, the timing was wrong.

Can't go deep yet.

He buried her neck, breathing heavily.

Hot and scorching hot.

The hand holding her loosened and fell on her waist.

The slender and soft waist seems to have no bones.

It's soft and fluffy.

When she encountered it, she seemed very ticklish, and she wanted to hide but couldn't.

It can only be miserably taken advantage of.

"Adel Khan..."

They've been bullied like this, yet they still don't resist.

Free hands rested on his shoulders.

If you don't really like it, I'm afraid that the moment he presses over, his neck will be broken.

Still aggrieved, pat him.

"You don't help me, you bully me even if you don't want to marry me."


"I only give kisses to my husband, not to others."

Adair Khan touched her waist and seemed to laugh.

Means unknown.

"is it?"

The little princess was a little annoyed when she heard his laughter.

"Why are you laughing, you are not allowed to kiss me."

Adair Khan kissed her directly.

The soft face, kisses like freshly baked tofu.

Fragrant and warm.

"..." The little princess stared at him.

The eyes are watery and not deterrent.

It's like a kitten deliberately barking its teeth and claws, it can only bark but not scratch.

"...Bad man!"

Adair Khan kissed her, and then pulled the quilt aside.

Standing up, the quilt covered her body.

She is about to follow.

"Lie down."

He held her down.

"...The Great Khan is looking for me."

The little princess blushed and glared at him.

I don't know whether to be angry, hot, or ashamed.

Adair Khan took off her shoes and socks, and then covered her whole body with a quilt.

(End of this chapter)

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